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Welcome to Logiak Documentation

The logic just flows


This documentation is actively under construction.

Apologies if you encounter gaps.

We aim for Logiak to be as simple as possible to use, and, after having used Logiak a bit, we would hope you don’t need to refer to this documentation much.

So we encourage usage and experiment with this as a backup when things don’t seem clear.

Many things are illustrated here with animated gifs or slightly longer videos, showing how to achieve things.

Please don’t hesistate to use the feedback buttons you will find on each page, and help us to improve the clarity and simplicity.

1 - Overview of Logiak


1.1 - Logiak Overview

What is Logiak?


Logiak is a lightweight 100% No Code system with which you can rapidly and robustly build cross-platform Apps without programming.

Logiak allows you to

Logiak Products

This is what Logiak consists in

  • a web application. This is where you login to create and manage project configurations, available as SaaS or on-prem,
  • Runner Apps for iOS and Android. With these Apps your configurations are transformed into running Apps.

Logiak-created Apps are available for web, iOS and Android (with Supabase ) and iOS and Android (with Firebase )

Benefits (in short)

  • Quick!
  • Fun!
  • Powerful!
  • Robust!

Key feature: Systems, not just Apps

When we say that Logiak allows you to build systems and not just Apps, we are referring to the fact that Logiak supports projects which involve various types of users collaborating together.

These users need to share a common database, but have different access to it, and different functionality.

Key feature: Declarative Logic

One of the main reasons why experts, for example those with specialist medical or legal knowledge, have been so able to create systems with Logiak is because at the heart of the system is the ability to express knowledge declaratively.

What is Logiak good for?

Logiak is good for when you have data, collect data, and want non-aggregate data to be processed in particular ways.

Let us call that Data Management

One might also use the term Case Management: when you deal with certain things or events and need to register/record them, and then process them individually in certain specified ways.

And Logiak is particularly useful when you need to have close attention to and reasonably complex processing of individual cases.

The clearest example of this is when you set out to provide Decision Support

Benefits (longer)

  • Building an App with Logiak is rapid and is therefore highly cost-effective
  • Using pre-existing components means you are not dealing with the fragility of new code ( robustness)
  • Logiak automatically prevents you making some of the mistakes common to programming. This also enhances robustness
  • Apps can be constructed by analytically-minded people without experience in programming, so this widens the pool of people within your organization who can do this. If someone can use Excel effectively, they are likely to find it possible to do the same with Logiak.
  • Sometimes there is knowledge/expertise which you want to build into an App and the very best way is to have the expert(s) themselves do that. Having an the expert communicate the knowledge to a programmer, brings communication and interpretation challenges which create inefficiencies at best, but which can prove to be insurmountable at worst.

Logiak Overview

Get started for FREE

You can get started with Logiak for FREE .

First thing to do is to build a functioning data managment App in three minutes !

1.2 - Logiak Approach

Logiak design philosophy

Pragmatism and detail

Everything is a trade-off, and Logiak embodies one particular trade-off. Which is it?

Many No Code systems focus on presentation and lack logical power. They may look exciting initially, but you can’t achieve the processing you need. You can link screens, but there is often not much more to it than that.

Logiak is the counter to this. It offers components which are not low-level UI components but high-level packets of functionality, from which Apps can be assembled in no time.

And, importantly, one of those Components is there to include Processes in the mix, and in a Logiak Process one is able to do very fine grained processing and updating of data.

In a Process, you can achieve logial complexity in a scaleable and maintainable way. It has been demonstrated that analytically minded non-programming experts can fashion their knowledge into useful interactive applications by developing Logiak Processes.

We think that Logiak is appropriate for organization-internal Applications.

Logiak is for programmers and non-programmers alike. Programmers will be aware of what time this saves them. Programmers will be aware not only of costs saved in building a system, but in maintaining one.

Logiak has two main user categories:

  • Those who want to create data handling Apps rapidly, robustly, flexibly
  • Those who want to create knowledge-based Apps, for example embodying regulatory or diagnostic knowledge and who need non-programming experts to be involved in their construction.

Logiak is for you if you need logically expressive and presentationally pragmatic.

Logically expressive

What we mean by this is: with Logiak, in particular with Processes, you can do a lot of the logical computation and numerical calculation you might want to do with code.

Logiak is expressive in that sense.

The Logic Just Flows

Process Logic is fine-grained, but there are logical possibilities not only in the Processes, but also in the Components and in their Flow .

  • So you can configure field conditions for Lists and Data Tables.

  • You can use switches in Actions components to enable and disable options for the user.

  • You can display/hide elements with Custom Layouts, based again on Switches.

  • You can also use Switches to make the Component Flow itself adaptive to the state of the data.

Software is hard

Logiak is offered with keen awareness of just how difficult building software is.

While programming languages and techniques are involving and improving all the time, programming remains, quite frankly, humbling.

No programming language which makes it easy. Some languages make it incrementally, marginally, easier.

At the same time, the demands for software are in a permanent exponential increase.

Logiak makes things easier

Logiak eases some of the complexity by removing coding from the equation.

Logiak doesn’t make your problem easier

Having said this, its important to say that Logiak doesn’t make the actual problem you are addressing simpler though.

You still need to be pretty analytically minded in order to successfully tackle problems of any complexity.

What does 100% NO CODE mean?

No code means you do NOT have to learn:

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Python
  • React
  • Java

… or whatever

If you know some HTML you can use it, but you don’t need to.

If you know some Markdown, you can use it, but you don’t need to.

Logiak is a Lightweight SaaS

What we mean by this is Logiak seeks to keep out of your way.

It doesn’t want to be a burden for you, nor a chain around your neck.

Logiak seeks to help you to be pragmatic, agile, efficient.

1.3 - Logiak and Data

Logiak is hands-off with your data

Logiak is lightweight

Logiak is a lightweight service with which you create Apps to deploy to your backends.

That is: Logiak does not control your data, you do!

You set up the backend (with support from Logiak), and you have full control over that backend. Logiak has zero control.

Backend Parameters

When you set up the backend, you enter some parameters from the backend into Logiak.

These parameters are required so that your Apps, and the Logiak server on your behalf, can communicate with your backend, and but we affirm that the parameters are used solely for the purposes of your project.

Logiak’s minimal constraints on data model

How about the data model, are there some proprietary aspects to that?


Logiak is designed to be minimally intrusive in how your design your data.

Here are the extent of the constraints:

  1. Each table has to have a primary key (this is hardly a constraint: it is good practice)
  2. Primary keys cannot be composite
  3. A table cannot have more than one foreign key to the same table

logiak_version system table

To support remote deployment of new versions, Logiak requires the addition of a single system table called logiak_version to your database.

This table affects nothing else - has no relationship with any other table - and can simply be deleted without problem should you decide to stop using Logiak

No data lock-in!

We have done as much as possible to ensure there is no data lock-in with Logiak.

When you deploy Logiak, you are creating or using a totally normal database, designed by you, one that you can continue to use with other technologies should you decide to stop using Logiak.

An advantage of this is that Logiak is a conceivable solution for someone who wants to build Apps to make use of an existing database.

1.4 - Protecting References


Maintaining References

The challenge

A major source crashes in software is the unseen broken references.

For example, let us suppose I call a function foo somewhere in my code.

It can happen that I am working on the same code months later and delete that function, forgetting all about the reference I had made to it.

Subsequently, my code crashes because of the call to foo.

In programming, this kind of bug often surfaces as a so-called Null pointer error

Automatic protection of references

Logiak automatically keeps track of all the references you establish as you are building your App, and prevents any of those references getting broken.

So you may find that you go to delete something and you can’t. Why? It will be because Logiak knows that you still have a reference to that something, and it will usually be able to tell you where that reference is.

Example from Process

Look at an example here.

In this video you will see there are two input questions, asking values for weight and height from the user.

Then we introduce an Update variable action, and the expression we enter makes use of both weight and height.

Elements become undeletable when referenced

As soon as this action is added, the trash icons disappear from beside the two input questions: you can’t delete them just now, because otherwise the Update Variable Action would lack a value it needs and would crash.

But you don’t need to worry about the crashing because Logiak has made it impossible to make that mistake - you can’t delete either of the two input questions as long as they are used.

Then the video shows that as soon as the Update variable action is deleted, the two input questions once again become deletable.

Automatic protection of references

Showing references - so you can delete them if you want

When something is not deletable, Logiak will also tell you why not - i.e. where is this thing being used at the moment?

Then, if you delete the sources of those references, the element will become itself deletable.

Where is this thing being used?

1.5 - Data Types

Data Types

Each data value has a type.

For example, it is important to identify whether something is a number or not, so that we can determine whether it can be used in a calculation.

Six main Data Types in Logiak

Here are the main data types which Logiak defines:

Two ancillary Data Types

There are two other data types:

  • media url
  • object instance

All Object fields have a data type

When you add fields to an Object, you have to specify a type for each field you add

When you view fields of an Object, you will see their names are preceded by data type icons

Object fields alphabetically

By default they appear in alphabetical order

Object fields by type

You can switch to view them grouped by type

All Process values have a data type

As with Object fields, all values in a Process have an associated type.

For example, if you add a variable, you are asked to specify which type of data the variable will hold.

Process variables by type

As with Object fields, when you are viewing Process values, you can view them grouped by type

DATE data type

Internally, dates are represented with large numbers - the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970.

This might sound strange but it is the commonest way of representing dates

Reducing dates to numbers means that it is easy to calculate with dates.

We can add a week to a date (represented as a number), by simple addition of (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) milliseconds.

Logiak supports you in these kinds of calculations, via the Expression Wizard.

We mention this here so that you are not surprised when the Expression Wizard produces ugly-seeming expressions containing very large numbers.

Present time

The value of the time which represents the current time, at the moment the user is using the App, is a special variable called now.

This expression gets you “now”


Mapping requires data type matching

When we use Process actions to create or update data, we do this by mapping Process values to Object fields.

Data type plays an important role here in ensuring Object fields get the right kind of data.

Number values are possible candidates for number fields, but text values aren’t, etc.

Mapping Logiak data types to database types

Object field datatypes in Logiak are abstract. The concrete reality is when an App is running on a device, using a specific operating system and a specific database.

So Logiak types correspond one-to-one with types in SQLite (when running on a mobile device) and Postgres (when running as web app, and for the Supabase backend).

1.6 - Switches



What we mean by switches is simply this:

Values of true/false fields of Object instances.

Clearly, each value is in one of two states, like a switch:

  • true
  • false

Used in workflow and other conditional behaviours

Switches are used in many places in the Component Flow to help you implement conditional behaviours.

You can make your App’s structure and functioning adapt according to the state of the data which the user selects and passes downstream

2 - Getting Started

How to get started building with Logiak

2.1 - First Steps

How to get started building with Logiak

Get started in your FREE Personal Space

To get started building Apps with Logiak, simply

Your new Project..

Each new Project is created with an App.

  • The App is initially named “project App”, where project is the name your gave to the Project
  • The App is initialised with a Login Component
  • The Login component has a randomly selected background image from Pexels curated list, for fun and possible inspiration.
  • Everything can be changed!

Now follow the steps to build a functioning data managment App in three minutes !

2.2 - First App

Create a first App in just 3 minutes

Rapidly create a first data management App

Here we create a first App: a simple data management App.

This whole thing may take you 3 minutes or so, but we think that is not a very long time to create a fully-functional App :)

The first question is: what kind of data do we want to manage?

Suppose we want to manage Events and for us an Event has the following three bits of information:

What we do in Logiak is define a Data Object.

Here is a video to show how to do this in your Project.

Create an Object called “event” and add three fields

Create component to list Events

(Auto-)Create components to add, view, edit and delete events

Test App

2.3 - How to Plan an App

To plan an App is almost to build an App

You’ve created a Project Space and a Project within that Space. Now…

How would you plan an App?

Forget Logiak for the moment, consider the question: how would you plan out what you want from an App?

Events App

Let us suppose that your company manages Events of some kind and you want an App to help with this.

Suppose you want the user to login and then perhaps see all Events currently in the database. The user should also be able to register a new one and to select one from the list.

Planning an Events App

You might start to map out by sketching a flow chart.

Something like this perhaps:

  graph LR 
        A[Logs in] --> B[Views List of events in the db] 
        B --> C[Can add a new event] 
        C --> B
        B --> D[Can select events from List]

The Flow Diagram in Logiak

Now let’s look at Logiak.

To build an App, you do the same kind of thing as we have done above to plan an App.

To build an App with Logiak, make a flow diagram out of Components linked together.

Despite the surface differences, this is fundamentally the same as the flow chart above: it shows a Login component (user logs in), followed by a Listing component (user is shown all events).

The user can choose to SELECT something from the list or to ADD something to the List.

The difference is of course that once you have planned the App out like this in Logiak, you have also already built it!

Component Flow Diagram for the Events App

Watch this short video to see how this can be achieved in Logiak

New Apps have a LOGIN component by default, then we add a LISTING…

In a Logiak Component Flow diagram, each “node” represents a Logiak Component.

2.4 - How to Build an App

To plan an App is almost to build an App - just define a Component Flow

Further Developing the Events App

After more thought about your Events App, maybe you think your App should look like this -

When the user logs in, there is a tabbed dialogue with two tabs: upcoming events and past events.

  graph LR 
        A[Logs in] --> X[Tabs]
        X[Tabs] --> B[Upcoming events list] 
        X[Tabs] --> Y[Past events list] 
        B --> C[Add a new event] 
        B --> E[Single Event Tabs]
        Y -->E[Single Event Tabs]
        E --> F[Detailed Event Info]
        F --> I[Edit Event Info]
        E --> G[Actions on the Event]
        E --> H[Reminders on Event regulations]
        G --> N[Cancel Event]
        G --> J[Delete Event]

Build the two Lists

3 - Project Spaces

A Project Space is where you create and maintain Logiak Projects

3.1 - Free Project Spaces

You create a FREE personal space when you first login to Logiak

Start FREE

When you start with Logiak, you create a FREE Personal Project space, identified by the email with which you log in.

The FREE space gives you the scope to explore Logiak, and determine whether it is right for your project.

In almost all cases, to make effective use of Logiak however you really need to use a paid plan:

  • TEAM

Limitations of the FREE Plan

There are no limitations on App development as such, but deployment is restricted.

  • Deploying as a web application is not available under the FREE plan.
  • Deploying to “device only” is possible. This means: you can initialise devices with your App, but any data entered would not be synced with a backend.
  • Deploying to a Supabase or Firebase backend under the FREE plan is limited to Minimal Projects: this is so that you can reassure yourself that the integration works and that you can achieve it, before upgrading to a paid plan.

Minimal Project limits

A “Minimal Project” is defined here as one in which none of these limits is exceeded.

  • maximum of 1 App in the Project
  • maximum of 4 Components in the App
  • maximum of 1 Process
  • maximum of 1 Object

3.2 - PROFESSIONAL Project Spaces

Upgrade a FREE space to PROFESSIONAL to deploy full Projects

Upgrade to a paid plan

The FREE plan permits you to connect your deployment up with a backend system such as Supabase or Firebase only for MINIMAL PROJECTS, so that you can satisfy yourself that the integration works.

To connect more complete Projects with a backend, you need to either

  1. Upgrade your FREE space to be a PROFESSIONAL space
  2. Create a TEAM space (particularly appropriate in an organizational context)


Upgrading to PROFESSIONAL is to alter the status of your existing FREE Personal Plan.

You upgrade your FREE Personal Plan and maintain all Projects you have defined so far.

Deployments …
Type Cost Supabase Firebase Device (no backend)
Personal FREE Minimal Projects Only Minimal Projects Only Yes
Professional 35 $ / month Yes Yes Yes
Team 85 $ / month Yes Yes Yes

3.3 - Team Project Spaces

Team Spaces are intended for collaborative working on Projects

Use TEAM spaces

The second kind of paid plan is a TEAM space.

TEAM spaces are of course intended to support organizations’ need for projects to be undertaken by teams of people rather than by a single individual.

TEAM spaces are unrelated to your personal space.

You can create any number of TEAM spaces, and be included as a Project Editor in any number of TEAM spaces.

Deployments …
Type Cost Supabase Firebase Device (no backend)
Personal FREE Minimal Projects Only Minimal Projects Only Yes
Professional 35 $ / month Yes Yes Yes
Team 85 $ / month Yes Yes Yes

3.4 - Projects in Project Spaces

Max of 10 Projects for a Space

Projects in a Project Space

Each Project Space can contain a maximum of 10 Projects.

4 - Projects


4.1 - Create a new Project

Create Projects

How to CREATE a new Project

New Projects

By default, each new Project already contains an App containing a Component:

An App for you to configure
named “project App”, where project is whatever you named the Project
project App” contains a component - a Login component
Every App must have at least one component - the start component.
The Login component has a randomly selected background image, for fun
Pexels maintain a curated collection of photos and we pick one from there. You can change this.

4.2 - Rename a Project

Rename Projects

How to RENAME a Project

From within a Project

  • click on the Project name in the top bar.
  • Under Project Settings edit the name
  • That’s it!

4.3 - Delete a Project

Delete Projects

How to DELETE a Project

From within a Project

  • click on the Project name in the top bar.
  • Under Project Settings click on the Delete button
  • Confirm the deletion by entering the word DELETE
  • Click ok

4.4 - Apps in Projects

Projects contains Apps

Apps in Projects

Projects can contain multiple Apps.

Each App has its own Component Flow, but share Project-level resources:

There is no limit on the number of Apps you can create in a Project.

Systems not just Apps

This fact is important because it is very common to need more than one App for a particular project.

Example: Field workers and Supervisor

For example, you may need an App for a group of Community Health Workers (CHWs), and an App for their Supervisor, with quite different functionality.

Perhaps the Supervisor has the ability to monitor CHW performance, perhaps has am ability to double check that scheduled visits are being made in a timely fashion.

Example: Despatcher and deliverers

Perhaps you have a task which splits naturally into a “Despatcher” and “Executor” model, such as if you are managing deliveries.

You may need an App for the drivers, so they can view their tasks, and an App for the HQ Despatcher who takes orders and despatches them to drivers.

These are just two examples of systems made with two Apps sharing the same database. There are innumerable other examples, and recall, the Apps do not need to be restricted to two.

4.5 - Project UI

Project User Interface

Tour of the Project UI

Elements of the Project UI identified by numbers in this image, are

  1. Project Controls Bar
  2. App Controls Bar
  3. Component Flow of selected App
  4. Component Preview of currently selected Component (identified by the green dot)
  5. Components Column: Alphabetical list of all components in the currently selected App

1. Project Controls Bar

The top bar gives you access to Project-level controls.

We split these controls into two categories:

Development controls

In the top bar you can see these buttons. They give you access to functions you need during a development cycle.

The buttons give you access to, respectively,

Post Development cycle controls

The three buttons, also in the top bar, give you access to functions you likely want to use after completion of a development cycle.

The buttons give you access to, respectively,

2. App Controls Bar

Below the Project Controls Bar, there is the App Controls Bar This includes the ability to select which App you are working on, and then most of the other controls relate to that currently-selected-App.

Identified by letters in the App Bar are:

A. Drop-down menu of Apps in the Project - this is the control to switch between Apps

B. Top-level toggles for switching between access to: Component Flow and App Theme

C. Button to add a new App to the Project

D. Button to run the App Preview. Unlike the Component Preview, the App Preview is a pretty complete, database-backed environment in which to try out the App you have built, using largely the same code which will run when deployed.

3. Component Flow

4. Component Preview

5. Components Column

5 - Apps

How to build and maintain Apps

5.1 - Component Flow

Component Flow is the flow diagram which represents the blueprint of an App

5.1.1 - Component Flow

A Component Flow diagram is the blueprint of an App

Component Flow Diagram

A Component Flow diagram is the blueprint of an App.

Planning is already building!

A Component Flow diagram is very much like the kind of diagram you might produce if you were (just) planning out an App.

The difference here is that, with Logiak, once you have planned out your App and produced a blueprint, you have also thereby built your App!


Have a look at this example Flow Digram below: this is the blueprint of an App called Test App, and it currently contains four Components, linked together in a Component Flow.

  • The boxes in the Flow Digram each represent a Component.

  • The large green right arrows represent transitions between components.

It is to be read left to right.

It starts with a special Transition labelled START.

The START transition is always there, and setting the destination of that transition is how we tell Logiak which Component we want to appear first.

In this example, the START transition takes us to a Login Component.

Login Components have a Login Transition, leaving them, and we define there: which component do we want to appear after the user has logged in…

And so goes the planning/building, deciding which Component to place next..

Adding Components

You can add a Component in the Flow in three ways:

  1. The destination of a - transition.
  2. or as contained by another Component which is within the Flow.
  3. or as a navigation element on any Component within the Flow

Here are actions available to modify the Component Flow:

Pinning a component as root

Possible also to edit Component Flow on device

If you have a Deployment which is in Development Mode, you can access Component Flow editing functions from the device - you can add and edit Components.

5.1.2 - Components can be added as destinations of Transitions

Transitions are the steps from one Component to another

A Component Flow, is made up of

Simple example

Here is an example of a transition.

This example shows a situation in which, after logging in, the user would see a List component called Patient Listing

Origin and destination components

We say the Login component is the origin of this transition.

The Patient Listing component is the destination of this transition.

Larger example

In this example, there are four components and four transitions.

A Listing component has four potential outgoing transitions. In this diagram, only two are used: SELECT and ADD

Editing Transitions: click on green arrow

The transition arrows are clickable. This produces a pop-up menu of all components in the App, plus a button to Unlink.

Changing the destination of a transition

To change the destination of a transition, just select a different component from the pop-up

Unlinking the component without setting a new component

The menu shows an “unlink existing” button at its top center. Clicking that button will unlink the component which is currently the destination of the transition

START transition

There is a special transition called START.

The start transition is unusual because it is the only one which doesn’t have an origin component.

It has only a destination component, and whatever is the destination of the START transition will be the first component which appears when the App is run.

Transition Types associated with Component Types

Component Type Transition Types available Note
START The start transition indicates where the App begins. The destination of the start transition is the first component which appears when the App is run.
LOGIN LOGIN The destination of the login transition is the component which appears to the user after a successful login
LISTING SELECT ADD DELETE EDIT Listing plays a central role in data applications because of the transitions it has. Select is particularly important because it creates a downstream area in the flow where an object instance is selected
GALLERY CLICK CLICK rather than SELECT because no instance is selected - it is just a transition to another component
OBJECT VIEW SELECT When a relationship field is included, user can click to create downstream area with related object selected

5.1.3 - Components can be added as contained by other components

Component may contain other components

A Component can be in the Flow either as…

  1. The destination of a - transition.
  2. or as contained by another component which is already within the Flow.
  3. or as a navigation element on any component within the Flow

Components which contain other components

Component Notes
Actions Presents Components as links or buttons Useful for workflow
Tabs Presents a tabbed dialogue with each contained component in a tab Tabs can contain max 5
Vertical Presents contained Components vertically scrolling if necessary
Horizontal Presents contained Components horizontally Can be rendered as carousel, etc.
Layouts Presents contained Components together in layouts which you custom design Design different layouts for different display widths

Actually, all Components can contain other components - as [navigation elements](

Removing from parent (1)

You can remove a Component from its container, from within the Flow, by moving the mouse over the “CONTAINS” link, and clicking the button which appears.

Removing from parent (2)

Alternatively, you can open the Editor for the parent component and remove the contained component like this:

5.1.4 - Components can be added attached to Navigation UI

Components may contain other components as navigation elements

A Component can be in the Flow either as…

  1. The destination of a - transition.
  2. or as contained by another component which is within the Flow.
  3. or as a navigation element on any component within the Flow

Defining Navigation is a lot like defining the use of a Container component, but Navigation is available for almost all components.

It is very simple..

There are three Navigation UI possibilities to which you can attach one or more Components

  • Action Button
  • Navigation Drawer
  • Bottom Sheet

So the components are sort-of contained by the parent Component, but in a particular way, and instead of the CONTAINS representation in the Component Flow, navigation components are indicated with a signpost

Creating an Action Button

Action Button

Setting icon

The plus icon is ok when the Action Button has a Process behind it which adds something to a list, but often for navigation, it is not appropriate.

You can associate an icon with a Component and if you do, that icon will be used in Navigation elements instead of the default.

Setting an icon on the Action Button - associating an Icon with a Component

Creating a Speed Dial

When the action button carries more than one component, it transforms into a “Speed Dial” component

Creating a Navigation Drawer

Navigation drawers can contain multiple components

Creating a Bottom Sheet

Bottom Sheet contains one component

Navigation Element
ACTION BUTTON Speed Dial control is used if multiple components are specified

5.1.5 - Downstream

Where a user selects a record, Logiak remembers the selection

When the user selects a record

There are some Components, like Listing, where the user can select a record

  • With Listing , each row represents a record.
  • With Cards , each image represents a record.
  • With Data Table , each row represents a record.

When the user selects a record, Logiak remembers it, and subsequent Components can make use of it.

For example, it is really easy to configure an Object View. You say what type of Object it is going to display, then you just locate it somewhere in the Component Flow after the user will have selected a record of that type.

The Object View will then show that selected record.

We highlight these areas in the Component Flow, where the user has selected a record, by coloring them and we call them Downstream areas. They are downstream of the user’s selection of a particular record.

Downstream areas

Downstream areas might contain many components and transitions. The area indicates that at that point in the App, the user has selected an Object instance

The screenshot here has a downstream area (the shaded area).

The downstream area is whatever follows the SELECT transition from the LISTING component.

  • Logiak remembers the object selected
  • the selected instance is available to Components positioned within that downstream area.

Some components assume and require the existence of such a selected instance.

Examples of Components

Here are two components - Object View and Process - and how the existence of an instance in a Downstream area can be used.

An Object View must be positioned downstream

An Object View component is incredibly easy to configure: all you have to do is select an Object type.

This means each Object View component you create, is configured to be able to display (and edit), values from the type chosen.

So when you link it in the Component Flow, it *needs to be in a downstream area, where an instance of its Object type has been selected.

If an Object View is located outside of the downstream, or in the wrong downstream, you will see a warning that this cannot function.

Here is an example where an Object View has placed where there is no downstream area. No instance has been selected for the Object View to display.

A Process can have selected instance as input

Perhaps the most exciting use of a selected instance is as input to a Process.

You can configure a Process in a way which assumes the Process which receive an object instance as input.

The Process then has access to all the information in the instance.

You can say that the Process “knows about” the object. We could even say that the Process “is about” the instance.

It is safe to configure a Process like this, because then all you have to do, is to make sure the Process Component is in an appropriate downstream area.

If it isn’t, you will in any case get a warning as with the Object View example above.

5.1.6 - Components Column

Components Column

Components Column

The Components Column found on the right of the screen is a important tool.

Alphabetical list of all Components

It performs several functions, one basic is that it shows an alphabetical list of all components in the App.

You can use Components Column to navigate within the Component Flow.

This can be particularly useful when your Component Flow grows large: when an App contains many components.

If your Component Flow is large, it may not be so easy to find a Component, but it is always easy to find it in the searchable, alphabetical column.

Once you have found it in the column, you can click on it and all of the following happen:

  • The selected Component is highlighted in the Column with a green dot.
  • The selected Component is made visible within the Component Flow and is also marked with the green dot
  • A preview of the selected Component is rendered bottom left

Click on token to expose Component

Even if your component flow is huge, you can command Logiak to locate a component for you by clicking on the token in the component in the right column.

Click on component in column

Filter by Name & Group by Type & Hiding/Showing Column

With the components column, you can also

  • Filter the components, showing only those whose names contain a certain text string
  • Group the components by Type (using button to the right of the filter box)
  • Hide the column - in case you want more space to view the Component Flow - and show it again by clicking on the Components icon

These functions are illustrated one after the other here:

Managing Unlinked components

Unlinked components are also managed within the Components Column.

See: Unlinked Components

5.1.7 - Unlinked Components

Newly created components which exist, but are not linked into the Component Flow

Unlinked components

Unlinked components are components which have been created, but are not currently linked into the App anywhere.

This means: they are not

  • the destination of a transition
  • nor are contained by any component which itself is within the Flow
  • nor are functioning as a navigation element on any component within the Flow

They are not within the Component Flow.


Unlinked components are either:

  1. Newly created components
  2. Components that were unlinked
  3. Components that became unlinked as a result of another component being unlinked

Managing Unlinked components

Unlinked components are managed within the Components Column.

When new Components are first created, they are not yet linked into the Component Flow.

Instead, the are listed in the Components Column, available for either dragging and dropping into the Flow or for deletion.

There are several ways to unlink a component.

  1. You can click on a transition (green) arrow, and, in the popup which appears you will see a button labelled “unlink existing” button
  1. Edit the component which contains or links to the component you want to delete, and from the first tab you will be able to unlink the component

How to DELETE Unlinked components

You can delete any unlinked component by clicking on the trash icon to its right.

If you have a number of unlinked components and you are happy to delete them all, you can do this in one action by clicking on the trash icon in the header.

This will delete ALL currently unlinked components.

Delete all unlinked components at once

5.1.8 - Managing Large Component Flows

What to do when the Component Flow gets big?

The Challenge

Let us suppose you have a small App with just three components, including a Listing.

Then you attach an Object View as the SELECT transition for the Listing.

Oops it is hidden, already. Is there a scaling problem here? Can we manage large Component Flows - large Apps?

Yes, you can create large Apps with Logiak.

This page explains how to manage large Component Flows, without purchasing a huge monitor.

The Solution(s)

1. Pin a Component as root

You can select any component and “pin” that component as root.

What this means is that you will no longer see the whole Component Flow. You will only see the “sub-tree” which begins with the Component you have pinned as root.

Here we ilustrate this by selecting and pinning the Listing.

We also show how to clear the pin (click on the clear button beneath the pin icon)

Pinning and unpinning the LISTING

2. Click on token to expose Component

Even if your Component Flow is huge, you can command Logiak to locate a component for you by clicking on the token in the component in the right column.

Click on component in column

3. Use Scrolling

The Component Flow scrolls both vertically and horizontally.

So when some Components are hidden behind the Components Column, you can scroll left and they will appear.

4. Put away Components Column

5. Switch to make Component Flow fit horizontally

5.1.9 - Component Preview

Preview Component

Component Preview

The Component Preview is a non-interactive indicative impression of the currently selected component (in contrast with the App Preview)

The purpose is to provide quick access to a visual reminder of the components as you are editing the Component Flow.

Component Preview in Component Editor

The Component Editor also uses a Component Preview in the right pane, so that you can see how the configuration changes you are making in the left pane affect the way the Component appears to the user

Indicative only

Note that the preview pane contains the overlaid warning:

Indicative preview only

Using randomly generated data

The component preview being shown is not properly part of an App. It is not connecting to a backend database. The data being shown are randomly generated. The aim is only to give an indication of what the component will look like.

To get a realistic preview, backed by a database, use App Preview

5.2 - App Theme

The App Theme defines inheritable colors and font styles

Theme Inheritance

At the App level, it is possible to define default colors and fonts for your App.

These defaults are inherited by components, but can be overridden by any individual component, and those overrides can apply solely to that one component, or the modified theme can be what is inherited by subsequent components.


Theme colors are set in two parts:

  • selection of a primary swatch (swatch is a set of three colors:
    • a main color
    • a light version of it
    • and a dark version of it)
  • selection of a secondary color (also sometimes called accent color)

Available Primary Swatch colors


Under Fonts it is possible to alter parameters for a number of named styles.

  • bodyText1
  • bodyText2
  • headline5
  • headline6
  • caption
  • button
  • subtitle1
  • subtitle2

Uses of Fonts within Components

We have applied these styles with consistency, although across the very different components, so the property settings for each style apply to the whole App by default, though it is always possible to override these settings for any individual component.

The way in which these styles are applied in each component type is detailed in a table within the UI:

Font names and Google Fonts

To the question: which fonts are available to select from? there are two answers:

  • any fonts available on the device
  • many google fonts

Since we do not prescribe a device, but indeed encourage running Logiak Apps on many devices, making references to Google Fonts is probably the safest bet when choosing Fonts.

There are thousands of Google Fonts available and they are changing all the time. Not every Google Font is guaranteed to work, but we do a check, and if the name you entered is one of the Google Fonts supported by Logiak, there will be a green checkmark against it, other a red warning

5.3 - App Preview

Preview App

App Preview: the Run button

It is possible, at any time, to run the App you are in the process of constructing.

The App Preview uses lots of the same code as would be used by your final deployed App, with a few exceptions.


Unlike the Component Preview which illustrates components using randomly generated data, the App Preview is backed by a database and will persist data you enter.

Previewing App at different display widths

The design of Logiak anticipates that Apps may need to run on devices with different widths, and there is considerable configuration possible to make sure that Apps adapt well.

App Preview permits you to try out the App at different widths.

Select the width you want to review in the top bar. Widths are in logical pixels.

5.4 - App Controls

App Controls

App Controls Bar

App Menu & App Name Edit

The App Controls includes a drop-down menu.

If you are defining more than one App in the Project, this allows you to choose the one you want to work on.

The App name can also be edited there

App Functions

Once you have selected an App, there are basically three functions available to you:

Component Flow

App Theme

App Preview

6 - Components

Components are the building blocks of Apps

6.1 - Introduction to Component Types

Components in Logiak

Component Flow

In this section, we look at individual components in turn.

If you haven’t already seen it, please check out the documentation on how Components fit together to make an App


Components are the building block of Apps.

They are put together in a Component Flow to make an App

Component Types

The presentation of these Component types in a grid can give the impression they are all of equal significance when building an App, but this is not true.

The first row of Components in particular are central to most Logiak Apps.

The second row of Container Components are also important.

Subsequent rows largely contain more specialised Components, which some Apps might need and other Apps not.

Processes are where the meat of the computation is done.

Process Interactions

We should also note that there are user interactions within Processes which can be thought of in some way as components/widgets. In the terminology of Logiak, they don’t belong to Components though.

6.2 - Editing Components

Editing components in Logiak

6.2.1 - Adding a Component

Components in Logiak

How to ADD a Component to an App

To Add a component to an App, you need to

  1. Create the Component
  2. Link it into the Component Flow

1. Create the component

Create the Component via these steps:

  • Click the Add component button

  • Select the type of the component you want to create

  • For some components, you will be asked choose an object type and maybe some other configuration decisions

  • Give the Component a name

Component initially Unlinked

When a Component is first created, it will appear in the UNLINKED COMPONENTS column on the right, as shown here:

Now you need to Link the new Component into the Component Flow.

There are two ways to do this:

  • 2.1 Via drag and drop
  • 2.2 By editing the parent Component
  • Drag the new Unlinked Component from the components column into the Component Flow.
  • Drop it onto a component that you want to link it to, or that you want it to be contained by, and the component flow will update to show the new component within the flow. It will no longer appear under “UNLINKED”

Alternatively, you can edit the component which you want the new component to be linked to, and add the component there.

6.2.2 - Renaming Components

Renaming Components in Logiak

How to RENAME a Component

You can rename a component from within the Component Editor as shown here, where we edit the name of a component from “Patients Listing” to “Patients”

6.2.3 - Remove a Component from an App

Components in Logiak

How to REMOVE a Component

There are two elements to removing a Component

  1. Unlinking
  2. Deleting

1. Unlinking

When you remove a Component from the Component Flow, we refer to that as Unlinking the Component.

After a component is UNLINKED, it appears in the Components Column.

From there it can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon which appears to its side.

Check out How to unlink a component.

2. Deleting

Delete a single Component

Once a component is UNLINKED, find the component under UNLINKED COMPONENTS in the Components Column and click on the trash icon

Delete all unlinked Components

There is also a trash icon in the header which allows you to delete ALL currently UNLINKED components.

6.2.4 - Component Editor

Component Editor

Component Editor

Clicking on the box in the Component Flow representing the component opens an Editor for that component

A component editor has two panes: an edit pane on the left and a preview pane on the right.

Edit Pane

The Edit Pane gives you access to edit functions, appearing in a bottom tabbar

Preview Pane

The Preview Pane show an indicative Component Preview only (not functional!)

Tabs in the Component Editor

Other components
Select how the component is rendered
Action buttons, nav drawer, bottom sheet
Colors and fonts
Container components - control when contained components are visible etc
Defining the basis data and filters etc
For GALLERY only - which media are included
For LISTING only - control what rows look like
For examples fields in OBJECT VIEW

Here we navigate from a LISTING to an OBJECT VIEW and back again

6.3 - Main Components

The most generally powerful components in Logiak

6.3.1 - About Main Components

As with chess pieces, not all components are equal

Just like pieces in a game of chess, not all components are made equal. Some have more capabilities than others.

The most powerful components are the ones shown here. We group them together as the Main components.

Used together with Container components, these components can satisfy a remarkably wide range on needs.

PROCESS is Queen

In Logiak, PROCESS is the most powerful component, because it brings Processes into the App

Process is a bit like a system in itself. A bit like a programming language.

A Process has sub-components in that it can contain different kinds of interactions and actions it contains.


LISTING can do a lot.

It shows you data from the database.

You can define sophisticated filtering.

But it can also “tee-up” (to mix metaphors) an Object instance to be selected by the user and passed to Processes and other components downstream


ACTIONS can actually be considered a container component - you put other components into it.

But it is super-powered for Workflow purposes.

It gives access to the components contained, as links (which can be image links), and allows you to specify when those links should be

  • visible or not
  • enabled or disabled
  • marked with a tick


OBJECT VIEW can be used to view data from an instance, but also to edit it

6.3.2 - Listing

Listing is one of the central components in Logiak

What is a LISTING?

A Listing presents records of an Object type, one after the other, a row for each record.

Listing is a powerful Component because of the transitions you can define.

How to create a LISTING?

To create a LISTING, you have to first have defined an Object that you want to list.

In this video showing how to create a LISTING, we had defined an Object called “event”.

Creating an Events Listing

LISTING Transitions

LISTING has four transitions where you can add Components and extend the functionality of your App.

At their very basic, you might think of these transitions as supporting CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

CRUD LISTING Transition Object is selected (downstream created)
Create ADD no - object is added, but not selected
Read SELECT yes
Update EDIT yes
Delete DELETE yes - delete transition selects an object for deletion

To create simple CRUD functionality for a Logiak App, it is sufficient to create a LISTING, and add a Component for each of these transitions.

Building a First App shows how to do this very quickly using auto-create.

1. SELECT transition

This is all about: what happens when the user click on an item in the list?

Simple read functionality

If you create an Object View for the same Object type which is being listed, and attach that as the SELECT transition of the list, a user would be able to click on an item in the list and view the data contained in the instance.

Beyond simple read functionality

However, you don’t need to limit the SELECT transition to an Object View.

The SELECT transition is important because the user selects an Object instance from the list,

The selection of an object creates a downstream within which Logiak remembers the object chosen and can pass it on to other Components.

You can define a whole sub-tree of Components in the Flow with the selected object in mind, to

  • show the data in the object
  • if the object has relationships, perhaps show a filtered list of related objects (e.g. invoices for a selected company)
  • offer the user a workflow of Actions all related to the chosen object

So, yes you can attach an Object View so that the user can look at the data, but you can instead attach a Container, such as a Tabs Component, and make the Object View one of the Tabs, while adding other Listings and Actions in other tabs..

2. ADD Transition

If you have a list, you may want the user to be able to add an item.

For example, if we have defined an event object, and we present the user with a list of events, you might want the user to be able to register a new event and it appear in the list.

We do that in Logiak by attaching a suitable component as the ADD Transition.

This usually means

  • defining a Process - an interactive dialogue - to elicit information from the User
  • wrapping the Process in a Process Component
  • attach the Process Component as the ADD transition

Setting a Component for ADD

3. EDIT Transition

A third functionality you may want to have is for a user to be able to edit the data in an instance, or at least the values of certain selected fields.

This can be done with an Object View, set to edit mode.

4. DELETE Transition

If you have a list, you may want the user to be able to delete an item.

For example, if we have defined an event object, and we present the user with a list of events, you might want the user to be able to delete any specific event from the list (and from the database).

We do that in Logiak by attaching a suitable component as the DELETE Transition.

This usually means

  • defining a Process - an interactive dialogue - to confirm the delete with the user, and to a delete instance update action
  • wrapping the Process in a Process Component
  • attach the Process Component as the DELETE transition

What can you do with a list?

You can

  • define filters to restrict which instances to display

  • define user filters which users can turn on and off

  • define what appears in each row by using a template

  • make what appears conditional on true/false fields of the Object listed

  • define custom layouts for rows

  • define custom layouts for rows which are adaptive to display width

  • define what component appears when the user selects an instance (clicks on a row)

  • define what component appears when the user decides to add an instance (clicks on the action button)

  • define what component appears when the user wants to edit an instance (long clicks on a row)

  • define what component appears when the user wants to delete an instance (swipes left on a row)

  • lists have a search control built-in

  • define sort fields and thereby display a sort control to the user

Formatting List Rows

Some basics to know about list rows:

  • Every row represents an Object instance .
  • Any of the values from within the Object can be shown to the user.
  • If the Object being listed has a relationship with another object, fields from the related object can also be available to be shown to the user.

There are two ways to define what gets shown for each row.

  • Using a template, and choosing fields to provide values for the template
  • Configuring your own custom layouts, which can also involve making the rows adapt to different display widths

TEMPLATE row formatting

Configuring list rows using Templates is the simpler and more limited of the two ways, and it is the one selected by default.

CUSTOM LAYOUT row formatting

Filtering what instances appear in the List

There are two kinds of filters you can define:

  • implicit filters
  • user-controlled filters (filters that the users can turn on and off)

When a LISTING is initially created, by default it displays ALL instances of the chosen object found in the database.

You can specify filters which constrain which instances are shown.

Implicit filters

Implicit filter: show only cities in China with a population > 10 million

User filters

User filters are configured almost exactly the same.

Instead of being implicitly applied to the Listing at all times, User Filters instead are represented by controls with which the user can turn them on and off.

The only difference in the configuration is that one is able to define a user-friendly label for each control.

User filter: show only cities with a population > 10 million

Sorting the List

Sorting is specified by selecting one or more fields from the listed object.

You specify a field order (for neted sorting) and a default direction of sort (ascending or descending) for each.

Whichever sort fields are defined here, they become available to the user via a dropdown on the list. Precisely, the display names associated with the fields appear in the drop-down. An arrow control permits the user to switch direction of sort.

Adding sort controls to a Listing

Scaling - is the List usable on a mobile device when there are thousands of records?

The LISTING component can deal with many thousands of records.

As an illustration, we downloaded the city Data, and defined a Table Object to be able to incorporate the data into a Project

The data contains 42,905 rows.

We created a LISTING component to present 42,905 rows (i.e. without any filter applied).

The number of instances is shown by the number in the bottom left-hand corner..

See also

Cards which functions a lot like Listing

6.3.3 - Process

A PROCESS component is a wrapper for a Process

PROCESS components are the most powerful components

Processes are interactive dialogs with the user which can be used to calculate and compute using complex logic, and update the database, affording great flexibility and power in processing data.

To bring a Process into an App, what you do is to create a Process component to “wrap” the Process.

Once you have a Process component representing a Process, you can drag it into the Component Flow the same as any other kind of component.

Where to read about Processes

So this page of information is short because a Process component is just a “wrapper” which lets you locate a Process within the Component Flow .

To read about creating a Process, please have a look here .

6.3.4 - Object View

Object View presents data from an instance

What is an OBJECT VIEW?

An Object View is a component for displaying and editing values within an object instance (a record).

An Object Type defines fields and relationships and an Object instance has values for each of these.

An Object View normally displays field names and values.

How to create an OBJECT VIEW

As with several other components, to create an Object View, you need to select an Object Type.

The Object View is then configured to show instances of that given type.

An Object View has to be located downstream of the selection of an instance of that type.

Selecting and ordering Fields to show

When an Object View component is initially created, all non-autofill fields are included in the view.

The fields of the object shown, and their ordering, can be modified at any time as shown here..

How to remove fields

How to re-order fields

How to add fields

How to use Object View as Editor

An Object View component presents values within an Object instance.

It has two modes: you can use it so that the user can view the data within a record, or you can give the user the opportunity to edit some values

You can switch between these modes.

Relationship fields within an Object View

Relationship fields can also be shown within an Object View.

A relationship field is really a pointer to another record of another type.

For example, suppose we have a health application and we are dealing with records of patients and their visits: each visit is a visit of a particular patient, so the visit object type has a relationship to patient.

When we view a visit record, we want also to show which patient, but how exactly? Which fields should we show?

To configure the display of the patient within a visit Object View, we use the same templates as in the Listing component.

You select a template, and then choose fields of patient to display.

Because relationship fields point to another object instance, we exploit an opportunity here to give the user the ability to select that instance and create a new downstream .

Hence there is a tab in the Object View editor where you can select which component is to be used for the SELECT transition, if the user indeed clicks on the relationship field in the object view.

Using multiple Object Views in a Container Component

If the object you are displaying has many fields, you might want to consider creating a view based on a Container Component, such as Vertical (but of course you could use any other Container) , and partitioning the fields into groups.

For example, you might have an Object View with basic information from a person’s record - name, address, etc. and separate group of fields displayed in a second Object View..

Composing two Object Views together in a Vertical

Media fields within an Object View

One of the Logiak’s data types is Media URL.

Values of such fields can point to images, audio files, or videos.

The Object View will render medias pointed to.

6.3.5 - Actions

Actions can be a simple list of links, or can be used for workflow purposes


An Actions component is useful if you want to present the user with a list of options or tasks.

Each of those options or tasks is a component: like the Container components, an Actions component is configured by selecting one or more other components to put into it.

By default, the Actions component presents the possible actions as clickable links.

Using Switches to control the user’s Workflow

An Actions components presents a choice of possible tasks or functions to the user.

Where an Actions component is located within a Downstream area, where an Object has been selected, the Actions component can be configured to adapt to the values in the true/false fields of that Object.

It is possible to configure a single action to be:

By default Can conditionally be
Shown Not shown
Enabled Disabled
Not marked Marked with a tick

Since the values of the true/false fields of the object can be updated by Processes, this gives an easily modifiable system which presents tasks to the user appropriate to the current circumstances.

Or, it can present a sequence of tasks to the user so that the user completes one after the other and ticks indicate which ones have been completed and which remain to be done.

Use images to represent the choices

6.4 - Container Components

Container components present collections of other components

6.4.1 - Tabbed Dialogue

Tabbed dialogues in Logiak contain a component on each tab

As with all Container components, it is straightforward to configure Tabs.

Once created, you just select components to include within it.

Each component is presented in its own Tab.

This means that it makes little sense to have a Tabs component containing just one Component, and also that there is an upper limit to the number of components which can be contained.

Select which kinds of Tabs

  • do you want the tabs to appear at the top (relative to the contained components)
  • do you want to have a sidebar?
  • do you want to have a bottom tab bar?

Tabs at the top

You can choose between

  • default
  • bubble tabs - which sort of blow up a bit as you select them

Tabs at the side

  • Also called a Navigation Rail

Tabs at the bottom

Choose between various styles of bottom tab bar

  • Navy - using the same bottom bar component as is used in the Component Edit
  • Cupertino - iOS style
  • Convex, with sub-styles:
    • Fixed
    • FixedCircle
    • react
    • reactCircle
    • textIn
    • titled
    • flip
    • custom
  • Curved

6.4.2 - Vertical Container

Components in a column

As with all Container components, it is straightforward to configure a Vertical - pretty much you just select components to include within it.

Components appear vertically, one after the other, including a title bar for each

Example of components stacked vertically

Here is an example (see the right part of the Component Editor screen) where we configured a Vertical component to contain two Object Views

Select between different display modes

Display Mode: Stacked Vertically

The example above in fact uses one of the three Display Modes available.

Display Mode: Expansions

Display Mode: Vertical Paging

6.4.3 - Horizontal Container

Components horizontally

As with all Container components, it is straightforward to configure a Horizontal.

Once created, you just select components to include within it.

Components appear horizontally, one after the other.

Select between different displays

Display Mode: Horizontal

The example above in fact uses one of the three Display Modes available.

6.4.4 - Layouts

If you need a custom arrangement of some components, define a custom layout

Custom container

Once created, you select components to include within a customer container.

Rather than being “hard-wired” with regard to how the components within the container will be presented, with a Custom container, you configure custom layouts, where each element in the layout is a component.

6.5 - Data Components

Components to present aggregated data

6.5.1 - Chart

Chart presents common visualizations of numerical data

Chart types

With the Chart component, it is possible to create

  • Bar Charts
  • Line Charts
  • Scatter Charts
  • Pie Charts

First Charts

Let us dive straight in and make some charts from some data

Invoices for sproggets,widgets and snap

We’ve define an Object called invoice with some typical fields and a relationship to a customer

And, supposing we sell three kinds of product - sproggets,widgets and snap - we have defined some sample instances of invoice:

1. Example Bar chart - showing total units sold

Now let us make a chart which will show us how many units of each product we’ve sold.

this takes just 2.10!

Bar chart to show quantities of products sold, by product

2. Example Line chart - showing amounts grouped by week

Now let us make a line chart which will show us how income has been developing, taking week as the period of analysis (i.e. amounts in the same week are summed together and considered one amount)

this takes just 1.14!

Line chart to show income grouped by week

3. Example Scatter Chart - showing product success in size of spots

A Scatter Chart scatters dots which represent two values:

  • one value determines the y-position of the dot
  • the other value determines the radius of the dot

this takes just 1.46!

Scatter chart to show turnover and units sold per product together

Aside for the SQL-curious

The data looks like this:

mysql> SELECT   invoiceid,amount AS "amount", quantity AS "quantity", item AS "item"   FROM invoice;
| invoiceid | amount | quantity | item     |
|         1 |     87 |        3 | widget   |
|         2 |     23 |        7 | scrogget |
|         3 |     43 |        2 | snap     |
|         4 |     36 |      132 | widget   |
|         5 |     74 |        8 | scrogget |
|         6 |     25 |        7 | snap     |
|         7 |      3 |        5 | widget   |
|         8 |      6 |        8 | scrogget |
|         9 |     12 |        5 | snap     |
|        10 |      5 |        8 | widget   |
|        11 |     64 |        5 | scrogget |
|        12 |      4 |       30 | snap     |
|        13 |      5 |       64 | widget   |

The query and results underlying the scatter chart look like this:

mysql> SELECT    sum(amount) AS "amount", sum(quantity) AS "quantity", item AS "item"   FROM invoice group by item;
| amount | quantity | item     |
|    167 |       28 | scrogget |
|     84 |       44 | snap     |
|    136 |      212 | widget   |

4. Example Pie Chart - showing product income proportionally

this takes just 1.06!

Pie chart to show turnover from products proportionally

6.5.2 - Data Table

Data table presents numerical data in columns

A Datable has similarities with a Listsing , in that each row in the table represents a record and is selectable.

How to create a datatable

It is straightforward to create a datatable.

  • Choose which kinds of records - which object type - you want to present
  • Select the fields you want to be in the table
  • Choose number and date formatting
  • Choose which column to sort by

this takes just 1.49!

Creating a data table

It is possible to add Footer Calculations to the table.

Footer calculations are one or more rows of calculations, like this

The first row is an aggregate calculation based on a specific numerical column on the table, and then subsequent rows are calculations based on this figure.

So here, as in Process, we use symbolic names to refer to values.

Step 1 : do the main calculation

First you choose

  1. a column you have added to the table which contains numbers (i.e. represents a number field)
  2. an aggregate calculation. One of:
  • count
  • sum total
  • average
  • maximum
  • minimum
  1. symbolic name for the value which is being calculated

Subsequent Steps : calculations making use of named values

Now you can add as many steps as you want.

At each step, you can refer to values by their symbolic names, and use them in new calculations.

Suppose we had chosen to calculate a “sum total” of a column represent an invoice amount, and suppose we had introduced the symbolic name subtotal for the amount calculated.

Then we could add a second calculated value, let us use the symbolic name tax

by providing expressions where you can use the name of the aggregate value as variable

e.g. we could achieve the above example by choosing to calculate the Sum of a column and give it the value name 'sub' , then we could define a second value to represent 10% of the Sum (maybe call it 'tax') by giving the expression

           (sub * 0.1) 

Then we could define a third value (maybe call it 'total') like this:
‘(sub + tax)’ For each value, you provide a label which is what the user sees next to the value in the column

this takes just 1.26!

Adding a footer calculation

Display Modes

There are two different ways of presenting the data to the user.

One, suggested by the name of this component, is to present the data as a table.

The second, is to use the configuration possibilities to calculate a number you want to highlight, and then present that calculation, without the accompnaying table, perhaps on its own.

1. Default - as table

2. Calculation highlight mode

Making a calculation highlight component

You can compose such a “highlight” with together with other components in a Container Component

6.6 - Media Components

Components focused on presenting images, videos etc

6.6.1 - Gallery

The gallery component presents media

A Gallery is the presentation of one or more media elements contained in the Project.

In this video, we go the Media tab and find and add an Image to the Project media.

Then we create add a new Gallery component to the App, selecting some images from the Project media.

this takes just 0.58!

Gallery of the elements

Making images clickable

Like the Cards component, it is possible to make images selectable by the user.

Unlike with the Cards component, there is not an Object instance underlying each of the images, so the user click does not create a downstream area in which an Object is remembered.

Instead, to make the contents of a Gallery clickable, you have to select destination component(s) for each image:

Supplementing images with text(s)

In the Media tab, when you edit an Image, you can add Title, Sub-title and Caption, thereby giving sufficient fields that each Media element can be treated as a Card for the purposes of using the defined Card Renderers.

Adding texts to image - then able to use Card display modes

Comparison with Cards


  • Displays use “Card” concept - can attach texts to Media to fit Card model
  • Images can be made clickable


  • In Cards , each card represents an instance, and the selection of one creates a downstream
  • Because there is no backing Object, there are no implicit or user filters to restrict which Media to display

Some display modes

Gallery offers several display modes and parameters, including the option to render the Media as Cards or not.

Here is a video which shows some options like

  • Masonry
  • Carousel

Gallery display modes

6.6.2 - Cards

Cards represent instances

Cards is like a mix between Gallery and Listing - visual displaying like a Gallery, but functioning like a Listing in the sense that every image represents a record which can be selected by the user.

Comparison with Listing

A Cards component presents a set of instances of a given Object type.

It has a SELECT transition, meaning the Cards are selectable, and the instance behind the card is remembered by Logiak - it creates a downstream area.

So you can set which component(s) should appear when a user clicks on an image.

As with a Listing you can set implicit filters and also user-controlled filters, to determine which instances - which Cards - are displayed

SELECT transition like List

Data filtering like List

Card Badge required

One difference between Cards and Listing:

  • you can configure a Listing for any Object (any Data or Table object),
  • but to use a Cards component, the Object types must have the Card badge

This is because the Cards component offers Card display modes, which requires certain kinds of information:

  • title
  • subtitle
  • caption
  • image

Example: English Counties

Let us look at an example.

Here is a small spreadsheet with some information about English Counties, including an image field.

Step 1: Set up a Table Object

We can create a Table Object in Logiak and attach the spreadsheet to it.

Note the image field has datatype “Media URL”

Step 2: Create Cards Component

Cards components require an Object, but the Object must have the Card badge

In this video, we :

  1. give the county Object the Card badge and
  2. create a cards component which shows the images.

Step 3: Choose different Card style

Step 4: Populate the downstream with some component(s) so that the Cards are clickable

6.7 - Geo Components

Components to do with geographic locations

6.7.1 - Map

Map can be used to plot multiple points. Each point represents an instance

Plotting locations in a Map

The Map component has similarities with Listing, Cards

Like these other components, we are representing multiple records of a certain kind on the screen.

This is how we represent them

Component Item
Listing A row per record
Cards An image per record
Map A location marker per record

But they have the common features that each of these items represent a record,
the items are clickable, and you can set which components come next, including components that make use of the selected record.

SELECT transition like List

Data filtering like List

Example Map

In this video we show mapping from data about some cities which include population.

We set an implicit filter - we want to show only cities with a population > 20 million

Then we create an Object View and attach it to the SELECT transition to demonstrate the markers are clickable and open up a downstream where an instance of the object has been selected

Mapping some large cities

6.7.2 - Location

Location presents a single location

6.8 - Pager Components

Pager components augment functionality of LISTING and CHART/DATABLE

6.8.1 - Object Pager

An object pager creates a swipeable view of a collection of instances

Object pager

An Object pager components gives you a swipeable display, each swipe representing a record of a chosen Object type.

SELECT transition like List

Data filtering

You determine which instances will be paged through using the familiar interface

On each swipe, what happens?

To configure this is just to choose a Component (or component sub-tree), which can handle instances of the kind being swiped.

You could choose to have a simple Object View for example, but you could also have a Tabbed View , with several tabs giving access to actions to do with the instances etc.

The point is, an Object pager mediates between the collection of records available and a component which handles the individual records

Using an ObjectPager in conjunction with an Object View to page through (swipeable on device) invoices one by one

Object pager selects an instance - creates a downstream

At any point, when using the Object pager, an instance is selected by the user.

Swiping is a different UI gesture than clicking on a list row, but the effect is the same: an instance has been selected, and a “downstream” is consequently opened up.

This means you specify a component to show the instance, but it can simply be the root of a sub-tree of components dealing with the instance.

Downstream of a selection, the Object Pager begins swiping at the selection

If the Object Pager is located downstream of the selection of an instance of its type, then the paging will start at that instance, unless, given the filters defined within the Object Pager, that instance does not appear in its target set of data.

6.8.2 - Period Pager

Define a downstream in which time is divided into periods

/// – [List] /// – [Chart] /// – [DataTable] /// – [WebView]

Period pager

A Period pager, like an Object pager, presents a swipeable display.

With an Object pager, each swipe takes you from one instance of an Object to another.

With a Period pager, each swipe takes you from one period to the next

just 1.43 needed for this!

Using a PeriodPager to look through invoices by month, by year

Date fields

For each Object type defined within your Project, you can select a date field.

This would be the field that this Period Pager uses in order to determine which instances belong to which period.

The Period type

You can choose to create a swipeable monthly report, weekly report. etc.

The component to display results from a single period

With Object Pager, the “result” is one instance.

With Period Pager it can be zero or many.

The component to display the result needs to be able to handle multiple instances (so an Object View is not appropriate for example).

It could be a Listing, a Datatable, a Chart, a Cards (if the object you are displaying has Cards badge)

6.9 - User Components

Components dealing with user authentication and profile

6.9.1 - Login

Login is for user authentication


Supabase and Firebase backends

Login is an authentication component, which communicates with backend cloud systems to authenticate against your project, using email-password.

No backend

Login uses Google Sign-in

6.9.2 - User Profile

User Profile is like a specialist Object View

User Profile

The User Profile component is a specialized Object View

It is dedicated to displaying the contents of the User Profile record for the current user.

Enabling users to edit their Profiles

This is really simple.

User Profile is a dedicated Object View, and so you do the same thing you do to make Object Views editable.

User Profile available everywhere

Normal Object Views need to be located downstream of the selection of an object of their set type.

In contract, as long as a Profile Object has been defined, User Profile components can be placed anywhere in the Component Flow .

In effect, the Profile Object is always selected. There is only one for the current user, so no selection is necessary to identify it.

6.10 - Web Components

Components using web technology

6.10.1 - Info

Another name for INFO could be Page


The Info component is the component most like a “page”.

It allows you to present information to the user.

It can contain media as well as text

Display Mode


You can also include html markup, and/or use the Html Editor


If you prefer, you can select the Markdown mode.

6.10.2 - Web View

Include an external webpage in your App


Webview is like an embedded browser.

You configure webview by giving a URL, and webview presents the webpage available at that URL.

7 - Objects

Data Structures

7.1 - Object Categories

Object category

Categories of Object

There is really only one kind of Object: a structure with fields and relationships which map onto a database table.

But then we have three other purposes that we are treating in the same way as objects, so that we can reuse as much as everything else in Logiak: they share the same UI for being configured, can be used in much the same places as “normal” objects. Avoiding proliferation of concepts, is part of minimisation to avoid large learning curve.

  • User settings
  • User profile
  • Lookup table

We’ve conceptualised these three things also in terms of objects.

Data Object

  • Normal data object - for your Apps to create, update and delete records
  • Can have relationships
  • Each type maps to a database table
  • You can have any number of Data Object types
  • There can be any number of instances of any of these types

Table Object

  • Data defined statically
  • Data maintained offline in a Google Sheet
  • Each type maps to a database table, but with data
  • Can have relationships, as long as keys exist
  • You can have any number of Table Object types

State Object

  • Not in the database, but local storage
  • You can have any number of State Object types
  • Exactly one instance of each State Object exists
  • No need to create
  • Can be updated (only)

User Profile Object

  • Maximum of one User Profile Object type per Project
  • Requires Apps to have Login
  • Has auto-fill email field as unique field
  • Exactly one instance per User
  • Can be updated

7.2 - Object Types and Instances

Object can be used to mean type or instance depending on context

Object Type

An Object Type is the definition of a data structure. A template for a specific kind of data.

In defining an Object Type, you specify

Object Instance - a record

An Object instance represents actual data - an instance is a record of one of the defined Object Types

Every instance of an Object Type will contain values for all of the fields and Relationships defined by the type.

Comparison with databases

Logiak Object Spreadsheet
Type the definition of the database table (which columns and relationships it has)
Instance a row in the table, containing data valuess

Comparison with spreadsheets

Logiak Object Spreadsheet
Type the column headers of a spreadsheet - definition of what the column contains
Instance A row in the spreadsheet, containing data

Example spreadsheet

This spreadsheet, for example, would correspond with a Logiak Object type which had the fields:

  • id
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • company
  • address
  • city
  • county
  • postal
  • phone1
  • phone2

While the rows from 2 onwards each represent an instance of that type

7.3 - Object Fields

Object fields

Object Fields

An Object Field has:

  • A Data Type - is it a number field? a text field?
  • A fieldname
  • An initial (default) value
  • (optionally) A display name
  • (possibly) content tags


Object field fieldnames have to be “symbolic” - meaning they should not be like a normal name or sentence. They have to be:

  • lowercase
  • containing no spaces or hyphens

Field names have to be unique within an Object (you can’t have two fields called remark) for example.

Avoid database reserved words

Object field names will also becomes the names of database table fields, so there are certain database keywords which cannot be used. Logiak will notify if any of these occur.

Display names

Display names are free text. If given, the display name is used when the field is presented to the user (e.g. in an Object View), otherwise the fieldnames are used.

Editing display names

Symbol “Edit sets”

When you have a symbol field, the idea of the user being able to edit fields of an instance raises an issue. Whereas the user will know how to edit a number, text, or a date, how does the user know what to do with a symbol field.

Symbols are eseentially Logiak-internal things.

The solution is to select a Symbol Set (defined at the Project level), to be the field’s “Edit Set”.

Then, when the user goes to edit the value of the field in an editable Object View, there will be a drop-down menu containing the options within the set.

7.4 - Field Content Tags

Tags give extra meta-information about what a field stores

Content tags

We keep the data types to just a few and use tags to note types of content which should be handled specially.

Example: Email

If you want to store an Email in a field, it makes sense for that field to be a text field.

But when emails are presented to the user, it makes sense that they are not just presented simply as text - ideally there should be some indication that this is an email, and perhaps the UI should afford the user of clicking on the email to open a mail client.

This is how you tag a field to denote that it is an email field

7.5 - Unique Field

Field guaranteed to have unique values for each instance

Field with unique values

There are few restrictions object definitions but one of them is that there must be, for every object, a field whose values are guaranteed to be different for each instance.

In familiar computing terms, what we are saying here is that every Object must have a Primary key, with the limitation that the Primary Key must be one field rather than a composite.


For this reason, by default, when an Object type is first created, an Auto-Fill field called UID is automatically added and assigned as the unique field.

UID stands for Unique Identifer.

When an Object type is first defined, by default the unique field is assigned as a UID field.

Auto-Fill fields are fields where Logiak assigns values automatically.

In the case of UID, Logiak assigns to each instance a Universally-unique identifier as the UID.

Possible to assign other fields

So, quite frankly, you don’t need to worry about the uniqueness issue.

But if your data already has an “id” or some field which is guaranteed to be unique for each row, then you could assign that field as the unique field for that object, and delete the UID field.

Simply click “change” and select the field you want to use as the Field with unique values

7.6 - Object Relationships

Objects can have relationships to other objects


An Object in Logiak is defined by its name and its fields, but also its _relationships- with other objects.

Relationship example

Let us think of an example to illustrate.

Suppose we have a customer Object which has three fields: name, company and email, and you bill customers by sending them invoices. Each invoice applies to a customer therefore, and any customer “has” zero or more invoices which apply to them.

    CUSTOMER ||--o{ INVOICE : has
        text uuid
        text name
        text company
        text email
        text uuid
        date invoice_date
        number amount
        boolean paid

Same example in Logiak

In Logiak, the fact that each invoice has a customer is represented explicitly in the definition of invoice, like this:

This video shows how customer and invoice are configured:

Example of defining a relationship

Relationship values

Relationships are represented by fields at the database level, so in the above example, when looking at the data in your backend, you would see a “customer” column in the invoice table/structure.

As with traditional databases, the value of that field will be the value of the Unique Field of the customer object to which the invoice belongs.

7.7 - Autofill Fields

Object fields which are automatically given values by Logiak

Auto-fill fields

Auto-fill fields are special object fields you can add to an Object

They are automatically given values by Logiak.

They are given values when an instance is created or updated.

UID example

When any Data Object is created, by default it is given a field called uid and this field is assigned to be the field with unique values (which database people call ‘primary key’).

Note auto-fill fields are represented in light blue to distinguish them from normal fields.

This UID is an example of an auto-fill field. When an instance of invoice is recorded by Logiak, it obtains values for all fields and relationship from configuration, but the uuid it just assigns a value itself (and it assigns a UUID).

There are several such fields available and they are all are given specific semantics by the Logiak system:

Fieldname -
UID each record is assigned a unique uuid at time of creation. Does not change.
CREATED each record is assigned time at creation. Does not change.
MODIFIED initially same as created, is changed whenever record is updated
USER_EMAIL email of the user who created the record (if anonymous user => this will be null)
USER_UID Backend system uid of user who created the record
LATITUDE if GPS on device in use, latitude of location when record was created. Is overwritten on upd
LONGITUDE if GPS on device in use, longitude of location when record was created. Is overwritten on u
APP_VERSION_CREATED the x.y.z of the apk version being used when record was created

7.8 - Data Objects

A Data object is the “normal” database object

Data object is the “normal” database object

What we mean by “normal” here is that a Data object very much corresponds with a spreadsheet on the one hand, and with a database table on the other.

A Data Object is a defined structure for holding certain kinds of data.

It has fields and it can have relationships

On device

if you deploy a Logiak App to a mobile device, each Data Object is represented by a table in SQLite on the device.


When a backend is used which uses a relational database, a table is created in the database for each Data Object type.


When Firebase is used as the backend each Data Object type is a collection and each instance a document in that collection

7.9 - Lookup Table Objects

How to make use of a static data table in a Logiak App

Lookup Table objects: Static data

Table objects allow you to incorporate static data tables with your application.

The static data is essentially encapsulated in an Object, and then you can use the data within your App in the way any other Object is used.

The steps to achieve this are:

  1. Make a Google Sheet containing your data
  2. Create a Table Object
  3. Configure the Table Object, copying and pasting a Link from the Google Sheet

Sample data: Customers

Let us use the uk-500 data

We will pretend that these represent a table of important Customers.

Normally, customers may be dynamic data rather than static data, but this is convenient for illustration.

How to define a Table Object

These are the steps, that we will explain below. The user interface is also very supportive of these steps.

  • Prepare data in a Google Sheet
  • Create the Lookup Table Object
  • Add fields to the Object corresponding with Column Names
  • Give Logiak Access to read the Data
  • Paste in the Google Sheet Link to let Logiak read the data.

Prepare data in a Google Sheet

  1. Open a Google Sheet and copy and paste your data table in
  2. Make sure the data is in contiguous columns (i.e. no empty columns) and that the first row of the sheet contains column names.

Create a Lookup Table Object

Now let us create a Lookup Table Object in our project. Call it customer

You see that for Lookup Table Objects, there is a third tab called Sheet which guides us step-by-step through the configuration we need to do to be able to use the data in our App.

Add fields to the Object corresponding with Column Names

  • Make sure you have a column with values which are unique for each row
  • copy and paste the column names into the fieldnames box and select the data types
  • select the unique field..

Give Logiak Access to read the Data

  • Click on the Sharing button of the Google Sheet
  • Change the Access to “Anyone with the Link”
  • Then copy the Link

7.10 - State Objects

Think “settings”

State is NOT in the database

A State Object has nothing to do with the database.

It is a collection of information stored locally on a device.

So it is a very different thing in a way, but it is treated as an Object along with all the others, which means that you can refer to data within a State Object instance in exactly the same way as with all the others

Single instance

There is always only one instance of any particular State Object, but you can define any number of State Object types.

Available everywhere

A State object instance is “available” everywhere, meaning you can locate an Object View for the State Object anywhere in the Component Flow and it will work.

In contrast, normal data object have to be located downstream of a user selection.

7.11 - User Profile Objects

User Profile objects define profiles

User Profile Object

In defining the fields of a User Profile object, you are defining the information maintained about each user, whether the users do that themselves, or it is done on the backend.

User Profile Object is like any other..

You define a User Profile object just as you define a Data Object.

There are some special characteristics of User Profile objects:

Particularities of the User Profile Object

  1. You can define a maximum of one User Profile object per project .
  2. Apps using User Profiles must have Login as their START component, so that users authenticate themselves.
  3. User Profile objects have no relationships with other objects

Editing a User Profile

The User Profile component can be used to give users access to , and the ability to edit, their own profile information.

7.12 - True/false fields as Switches

True/false fields play a big role in opening up possibilities for configuration


A switch is something with two states - on and off.

A true/false field has two states: true and false.

There are several places within Logiak where true/false fields of an Object can be used to guide how the App behaves.

Actions Component

List row formatting

List Filtering

Custom Layouts

7.13 - Badges

Badges are how an existing Object type can be used in Maps and Cards components

We want to be able to have Cards and Maps which have clickable elements. Not only should they be clickable, but they should be the selection of a record, as with many other components in Logiak.

Then we can have these components as integral parts of chains of user interactions within an App - a point can be clicked and a record therefore identified, which can lead to other displays and functions relating to that record.

For example, if we have a system dealing in “incidents” of some kind, and the incident data includes a lat,lon pair, then we can have a map where the selection of a marker in the Map is a selection of a whole incident.

The problem Badges address

There are some components which require not only that you specify an Object type, but also that the Object has specific kinds of data which the component makes use of.

For example, to configure the Map component, as with many others, you simply specify an Object type.

Then, the Map component plots a location, one for each Object instance of the given type.

To plot points, the Object type evidently needs to contain the right kind of information: either latitude and longitude values (which makes it easy), or else some address information that we can use geodecoding to find latitude and longitude from.

So it seems like you would have to define Objects specifically for use in Map, with fields labelled “latitude” and “longitude”.

However, you might already have data with fields not named in that specific way. Maybe the fields are labelled “lat” and “lng” or something, and maybe it is very inconvenient or for whatever reason impossible to do so.

This is where Badges come in.

To use an Object with Map, it doesn’t have to have any specific names for fields, it just has to have the right kind of information. If it has the right kind of information, you can make it have the “location” Badge. Any Object type with the Location Badge can be used with Map.

How Object is given a Badge

All you have to do is to go into that Object, go to the Badges tab, and indicate from which field the latitude value should be taken, and from which field the latitude value should be taken.

Then your Object has the “Location” badge. The Map needs not a specific object, just any object with the Location badge.

Adding LOCATION badge to an Object called city


In computing people use this fancy term to refer to when one can treat one thing as if it were also another thing (poly = many, morph = form).

8 - Processes

Processes are at the core of Logiak: powerful interactive dialogs

8.1 - Process Overview

What are processes?


A Process is an interactive dialogue which allows you to compute things and guide the dialogue with the user by defining conditions which control the flow.. Finally, it also lets you update the database.

Using an expression to calculate Body Mass Index (bmi)

Five tabs

So you can see from the example that a Process is defined using five tabs!

It sounds like a lot, but it is precisely the clear separation of things, most importantly the clear separation of Declarative Logic and Procedural Logic, which makes it possible to achieve complex results from seemingly simple steps.

The central Tab, labelled “Process” is where you land by default, and this is where the main Procedural logic is defined - the Steps of the Process.

Process Steps

Processes are step-by-step interactive dialogues with users, and at any time, you can test out the interactive dialogue you are creating, using the Debug Tab

Many steps define interactions such as yes/no questions, but it is also possible to have other steps which execute background actions such as updating a variable.

Steps can be grouped in sections.

So, there are three kinds of Process elements which you can add to the sequence.

Difference between Process tab and Updates tab

Process steps can be added in the Process tab. There is also an Updates tab where you can also add actions.

The reason for the separation between Process and Updates between the two: within the interactive dialogue, it is important that the user can go backwards instead of forwards,

We also want to have the ability for a Process to do things like make database updates and send mail notifications.

It would be unfortunate to have the user go forwards and backwards over a send mail action - the mail action would be executed more than once.

The same is true of database changes : it would be very difficult to handle the user going forwards, executing a database update action, only to want to go back (and have the database change undone).

So, the action steps in the Update tab are all executed once the User has completed the steps under Process.

The Update tab contains no interactions, so from the User’s point of view, the Process has completed once the steps in the Process tab have completed.

Once the steps in the Process tab have completed, the User cannot go backwards. After Process, the Update actions, if there are any, are executed.

Updates tab Summary

  • contains no Interactions, only actions and groups
  • are executed once User has completed Process steps
  • Once User has completed Process steps, the Process is over as far as the User is concerned
  • User cannot go back

Logic tab: steps can be protected by preconditions

It is possible to define conditions in the Logic tab, and in the Process and Update tabs, to set these conditions as pre-conditions for an interaction, an action, or a group of them, to be executed.

Values tab

Some conditions can be defined on values.

The Values tab provides an overview of all values available in the Process.

There are four sources of values, but they can all be used in defining conditions.

Debug tab

At any point, you can test out the steps and the logic you’ve defined by using the step-by-step debugger.

The debugger has sub-tabs which show the current values at each step, and also the evaluation status of all conditions.

8.2 - Logic


8.2.1 - Declarative Logic

Declarative Logic

What is declarative logic?

Declarative logic is the kind of logic we are most familiar with as human beings - it is reasoning about states of affairs.

Jim is 17 years old
Driving is permitted from 18 years of age
Jim cannot drive yet

These are three declarative statements.

Statements are things which can be evaluated to be true or false.

If the first two statements are true, we can conclude the third statement is true.

Declarative Logic in Logiak

If the above is easy to understand (which of course it is), that is good because, as you will see, Logiak lets you do a huge amount of computation simply by creating declarative statements like this.

The separation between declarative and procedural thinking is one of the core selling points of Logiak

We call these statements: conditions

We refer to these statements are Conditions, because of one primary role they play in Logiak Processes, and that is as pre-conditions for Process steps.

But definitions would also have been a good name for them, as would statements.

There are three kinds of Conditions you can define

8.2.2 - Value Condition

Condition dependent on a Value

Value Conditions

A Value Condition is a statement which can be true or false.

Suppose we have a value called age-in-years.

A Value Condition is something like this:

This is true if the value of age-in-years is less than 5, false otherwise.

Condition names

Conditions in Logiak have names.

It is good practice, because these conditions are statements which can evaluate to true or false, to give them statement-like names.

That is, sentences or sentence-like texts which make clear what state of affairs the condition describes.

So, for example, you might use the name “Child is an infant” could be an appropriate name for the condition :

define a condition Child is an infant

8.2.3 - Select condition

Condition dependent on user selections

Select Conditions

A Select Condition is a statement which can be true or false.

Its truth depends on how the user has responded to a question which required a selection: either a Yes/No question, or a Select question. .

Example yes/no

Here we create a yes/no question for the user

Does the child have any known allergies?

Then we define a condition Child has no allergies by simulating a possible user response (in this case user selects “no”) and giving a name to the state of affairs described by that response.

define a condition Child has no allergies

8.2.4 - Meta condition

A condition defined from other conditions

Meta Conditions

A Meta Condition is a statement which can be true or false.

Its truth depends on the truth of the sub-conditions it contains.

Example: Defining child is an infant with fever

Suppose we have a value condition “Child is an infant”;

And suppose we had a second value condition “Child has fever”;

We could define a meta-condition with both of these conditions as sub-conditions, and choosing to require ALL sub-conditions to be true.

We might name this meta-condition: “Child is an infant AND child has fever” or “Child is an infant with fever”

define a condition Child is an infant with fever

Note that named condition which are defined but nowhere used are in a light font.

When conditions are in use (e.g. as subconditions of a meta condition), their names are presented with a regular font weight.

Meta Conditions can be sub-conditions

Meta conditions are conditions like any other, so they can be used as sub-conditions in defining other meta-conditions.

Once you have defined “Child is an infant with fever”, you can simply select that as a sub-condition in defining a further meta-condition

8.2.5 - Preconditions

Using the logic defined

How to use the logic defined

When we have defined conditions, we can use them to affect the execution of the Process.

We can set any condition to be a precondition for a step.

If a step has a precondition, it is only executed if the precondition evaluates to true.

Example: “prescribe paracetamol”

  1. create prescribe message - 2. set precondition on message - 3. debug to show message appearing - 4. debug to show message not appearing

8.3 - Interactions

User interactions

You can choose to make an interactive dialogue with any number of these interactions

8.3.1 - Process Interactions Overview

What are process Interactions?


Interactions are Process Steps which, if executed, engage the user.

By default, each Interaction appears on its own screen, but it is possible to display multiple interactions together by defining screens

Interaction Types

8.3.2 - Question Texts

Applies to all interactions: how to construct texts

Plain Text

The message can be plain text.

Welcome to the BMI calculator..

Include values

The message can incorporate the presentation of some Process values to the user, by using braces

You have chosen to review case {case_id}

Include HTML Markup

You can include HTML tags.

This is a <b>severe</b> situation

Include Markdown

Or you can switch to use Markdown within the text instead of HTML

## Attention 
This is a **severe** situation

Include Media

You can include images, audio, video..

8.3.3 - Text/Markup Display Only

Display text etc

Display Only

This is an interaction which does not request an input from the user.

Therefore, the documentation on Question text explains most of what you need to know.

Value is true/false

You could think that because this interaction yields no response, it cannot have an associated value.

However, this interaction does generate a value of type true/false.

(The user might not see the message because conditional logic can be deployed to make hundreds of thousands of paths through a Process possible)

8.3.4 - Yes/No Question

Asking the user to make a binary decision


A yes/no question is the simplest of interactions: you pose a question and the user can give two possible responses : yes or no.

ADDING a YES/NO Question

Altering project words for yes and no

The words “Yes” and “no” are not completely hardcoded - they are System Symbols.

This means you can alter the text associated with them at the Project level:

  • go to the Project Level
  • Select to edit Symbols
  • Find yes and no under System symbols and amend their display names.

Please note: this will alter the presentation of ALL yes/no questions in the Project

Can I completely customize the yes/no options?

Alternative yes/no controls

If you don’t want the vertically arranged radio buttons, you can select a different kind of interaction.

The Value of a yes/no question is true/false

The user’s response to a yes/no question yields a value with DataType true/false.

If the user selects “yes”, the value is true, otherwise false.

8.3.5 - Select Question

User chooses one or more options

Select question

A select question is where you ask the user a question, and a set of **options++.

The question could be a single select, where you are asking the user a question such that only one option could count as a valid response.

OR it could be a multi-select in which the question you have posed admits of more than one possible option selection in response.

How to ADD a select question

  • Enter question text
  • Decide: do you want the user to be able to choose a Single option, or Multiple?
  • Enter the initial text of options, one per line (can be modified later)

How to RE-ORDER options

  • Edit the question by clicking on the edit icon
  • Click on the Options tab
  • Click on the two-bars icon against an option and drag vertically to re-order.

How to DELETE an option

  • Edit the question by clicking on the edit icon
  • Click on the Options tab
  • Expand the option you would like to delete.
  • Click on the trash icon at the bottom of the Option card (The icon might not be there: see below)

How to choose different input controls

If you don’t want to use radio buttons/checkboxes, there are other options such as toggles, switches..

  • Edit the question by clicking on the edit icon
  • Click on the Input Controls tab


  • You define a select question by defining a number of options.
  • Each option is represented by a symbol
  • The user selects one or more (if the question is a multiple select) options in responding to the question.
  • The user’s selection is represented in the data by the symbols associated with the options selected. It is a set.

Using Project-level symbols

The options in a Select question might involve concepts which have relevance not only in a single Process but across the whole Project.

You can ensure that you represent such concepts consistently across Projects by defining symbols at the Project level and choosing to use them within the Process as option values.

Using project level symbols

You will need to have defined an Object type, with a symbol set field.

Under Updates, you can include an action to create an instance of that object, and in that action you can map the select question to that symbol set field.

8.3.6 - Barcode/QR Code reader

User reads a bar/QR code

Barcodes and QR codes reading

This is another interaction making use of the device camera (i.e. for devices only with cameras).

It makes it possible for the user to scan in Barcodes and QR codes within a Process.

The Response Values of both of these can be mapped to a Text field of an object.

Showing in Object View

Unlike Signatures, when viewed in an Object View, we don’t reproduce the codes of course, but the values which have been read from them.

These are in text form. They may or may not be URLs. If they are URLs, we endeavour to present them as active links.

With a barcode, the value is likely to be a number. It will be stored in a text field. We assume it to be an identifier rather than a number to calculate with.

User scans a QR code

User scans a barcode

8.3.7 - Dynamic Select Question

User selects from options which may be dynamically determined

Dynamic Select - select from a set

A Dynamic Select question is very much like a Select question, except that it has no options defined - the options come from elsewhere.

Sources of Options

There are two possible sources for options -

  • You can use any set value within the Process (e.g. the value of a preceding Select question)
  • Or you can use a Symbol Set defined at the Project level

Using a Process value as source

Options chosen by user are the choices in subsequent question

Using a Project-level Symbol Set as source

Options are symbols defined in a set at the Project level

8.3.8 - Text/Number/Date Input Questions

User enters some text

Input Questions

These input questions are straightforward to understand - we can request text,number or date input from the user.

Text Input question

How to ADD a Text Input question

Using an input mask with a text-input question

Build up a mask to format the value entered, and let the user just enter numbers/letters

How to define placeholders in the mask:

  • Use “#” for numbers

  • Use “A” for letters

  • Use “?” if a position can hold either number or letter

Input modes

  • email
  • credit card
  • phone

Number Input Question

Defining upper and lower bounds

Input controls

Date Input Question

Defining upper and lower bounds

Input controls

  • Calendar (default)
  • Spinners

8.3.9 - Object Select Question

User selects an object instance

Object select

An Object select question presents the user with a collection of instances of a particular object, and the user selects one of them. (Imagine showing the user a spreadsheet and asking the user to pick a row).

Value is an Object Instance

So the response value of this question is a whole object instance - a collection of fields with values, and you can access those individual values within the instance in other steps of the Process, by using dot notation

two presentation modes of Object select

There are two modes:

  • User selects from a table
  • User selects via successive drop-downs

1. User selects from a table

The Object selected must be a Data Object or a Table Object (Profile Objects and State Objects have only one instance each).

User selects an instance when presented as a table by selecting a row:


  • To configure this, you must select fields of the Object. Each field becomes a column of the table displayed
  • You can add filters so that not all of the instances of the Object are displayed, rather only a selected sub-group.

2. User selects via successive drop-downs

The other mode lets you choose and order any number of fields, and then the user is presented with drop-downs which successively narrow the search, until the user ultimately identifies a single instance.

This is typically used with addresses, for example, where a large geographical region can be selected at first, followed by the selection of all sub-regions within that region…


If we look at the uk-500 data (modified for illustration).

The data is a table of customers.

We select three fields and order them: county, city, company

The first drop-down presented to the user contains an alphabetical list of all unique entries in the county column

Once the user has selected county, this narrows down the search.

So the next drop-down presents an alphabetical list of all unique entries in the city column where the county column contains the user’s selection

Once the user has selected county and city, this narrows down the search further.

The final drop-down presents the user will all company which have county = and city =

8.3.10 - Objects Table

Display only: user is shown some data in a table

User views data in a filtered table

8.3.11 - Recording Photo, Video, Audio

How to take photos, record videos, record sounds

Record media and store in database

Your project might deal in regular data, but also you might have a need for your users to record photos - of building problems, of people, or whatever.

Similarly, you might need to record video, or audio.

Logiak Processes has interactions for these tasks. Of course, the device on which the App is running has to be suitably equipped with camera and microphone.

The media is recorded by the device, and then pushed by Logiak to the backend Storage, so that it can be shared by other users if required, and retrieved if the device is re-initialised.

Adding interaction

Adding the interactions is straightforward.

Like all others, you specify question/prompt text and can assign a meaningful response value name.

Sample interactions on a mobile device

Here are some videos showing what the photo/video/audio recording interactions look like for a user on a device.

Taking Photo

Recording Video

Recording Audio

8.3.12 - Signature Input

User signs name


This interaction allows you to ask the user to provide a signature, with the assumption of course that the user is using a touch screen device, such as Android or iPhone/iPad.

It is really simple: the user is presented with a canvas on which they can write with hand/pen.

Of course, you might make other uses beyond signature. It could be used to permit the user to describe a shape by drawing.

Storing signature

The signature has to be mapped to a Text field in an object.

The field should also be given the appropriate content tag:

Viewing in Object View

A field with the signature content tag will be displayed correctly as a signature in an Object View


This is not what is meant by an electronic signature and certainly has no legal status.

User signs name

8.3.13 - Text recognition

User scans in some text

Text Recognition

There can be situations where information on cards, badges, or written on pieces of paper, is really information you need in your data processing.

For example, maybe you are in a situation where your clients each has a badge containing their ID, and you want to introduce a system of recording information about their visits, but you want also record the client ID for each visit.

If the ID is a barcode or QRCode, then you can use the code reader interaction , but if it is just printed in text form, then your users would have to enter it, which could be time-consuming, or error-prone.

OR, you could try using this Text Recognition interaction.

Text Recognition interaction

This interaction gets the user to take an photo containing the text which needs to be scanned in.

Logiak is able to make a good fist of extracting the text values from an image.


Reading text of the label of a medicine bottle

Reading the text on a fridge magnet

Edit option for corrections

The scan might not always produce the target text perfectly, which is why there is an edit option once the text is scanned in, which allows users to correct errors.

But as the videos shows, the scans can be good, and practice in getting the camera focussed on the text you want, and only that, can improve the quality a lot.


This is used typically to scan in small amounts of text, rather than long chunks.

It may be used for scanning labels, or text from information cards, ids…

8.4 - Values

Values can be from variables, fields of input instances, etc.

8.4.1 - Values

Basic building blocks of Process Logic


What are values?

Values can be simple or complex

Simple values

Simple values are numbers, truth-values (true & false), bits of text. Examples:

Billy Bunter

Complex values: Object instance

Logiak also allows values to be Object instances which is a record made up of several fields, each of which have (simple) values.

Value names

In a Logiak Process values have names.

These are usually short and “symbolic” (i.e. lowercase, no spaces or hyphens ..), but should seek to be mnemonic (remind you what value they represent).

For example, the “simple” values above might have names such as:


Referring to simple values

Names let us refer to values, even when we don’t actually know what the values are.

Everyone is likely familiar with maths at school where values get associated with names: “let x equals 5…”

For simple values, surrounding the value name with braces gets us the value


This expression might represent the value 5


This expression might represent the value Fred Bloggs.

Read more about how to refer to values, including how to refer to field values within object instances´values

Four sources of values in Logiak

User Inputs

User responses to questions in the Process are named values

User Inputs


Variables are named values which may be updated within the Process



Functions have an associated calculation to yield their value


Input instances

Object instances can be inputs to a Process, and they bring a value for each field_

Input instances

8.4.2 - Values Convention

How to use values - braces

Simple values

Surround value names with braces (squirly brackets) to access the current value.

Example: if you have a value called age-in-years (could be a variable, or a user-input value), this expression represents the value represented by the name:


Showing values in Process Interaction

Named values can be presented to the user in Process steps by surrounding the value name is braces.

Example: if you have defined a variable named age-in-years, you can inform the user about this value in an interaction, by including something like the following in the interaction text:

Client is {age-in-years} years old

Using values in calculations

One of the actions available is Update variable action.

To use this action you need to specify an expression to calculate a new value for the variable you are updating.

Example variable update

For example, suppose you have a value called amount and you want to update a variable tax so that its value is 16% of the invoice value, you can give the following expression to an Update Variable action to update tax

{amount} * 16/100

  1. create tax variable - 2. add amount input question - 3. add Variable Update action - 4. show user tax amount

Object instance data type

Values can be “simple” - which means a number, some text, a date, etc.

They can also be “complex” because a whole Object instance can also be a value.

An Object instance, because it has several fields, has several values.

Dot notation : instance-name.fieldname

How do you refer to a specific value within the instance?


Suppose you have the following:

  • you have defined an object type called invoice containing three fields (invoice_date,amount, customer)
  • you have a Process which has an instance of invoice with the value name inv1

You can refer to the value of the customer field of inv1 like this:


8.4.3 - Variable Values

Values which can be updated with a Process

A Process can make use of variable values (we can also just refer to them as variables).


Variables are named values which have an initial value, and can be updated at any point within a Process via Update Variable actions.

To define a variable is to :

  • choose the type (numerical, date, etc)
  • give a name (must be symbolic)
  • give an initial value
  • optionally give a description / comment to help remember the meaning of the variable

Using variable values

Presenting values to the user

The value of a variable can be presented to the user in Process steps by surrounding the variable name is braces.

Example: if you have defined a variable age-in-years, you can inform the user in some step:

Client is {age-in-years} years old

Using values in calculations

One of the actions available is Update Variable.

You can define an Update Variable action and specify an expression to calculate a new value for a given variable.

For example, suppose you have defined a variable invoice-value and you want to update another variable tax so that its value is 16% of the invoice value, you can give the following expression to an Update Variable action action to update tax

{age-in-years} * 16/100

How to DELETE a variable

A Variable can be deleted only when there are no references to it.

When that is true, the variable will appear in lighter colors, and moving the mouse over it will expose a trash icon

Deleting a variable

How to view the USES of a variable

When a Variable is not deletable, it is because it is in use somewhere within your project, and to delete it would be to create the conditions for a software crash.

If you want to know where it is being used, Logiak can tell you:

Viewing where variable is used

8.4.4 - Functions

Values dependent on other values

Calculated Values (functions)

Some values are input by the user.

Some values are variable values which can be updated.

One can also define functions, which are values dependent on other values

You can also think of functions as variables which are updated at every step of the Process.

Example: defining a tax function

In Convention, we show an example defining a variable called tax, and using an update variable action to give it a new value after the user enters an amount.

Here we can see a different way of achieving the same thing: defining a function called tax which is dependent on amount

  1. Assume user is asked for an amount (a number) 2. Define function called tax to calculate value based on amount 3. Present the result to the user

8.4.5 - User inputs

Values also come from the user

User inputs

If you have a number input question in the Process, that has an associated value name which is initially generated for you (the generated names are like v1, v2, etc), but which you can edit to be something more meaningful at any time.

8.4.6 - Object Instances as Inputs to a Process

Object instances as inputs to a Process

Input instances

Object instances are structures usually containing several fields with values. Think: row in a spreadsheet, or row in a database table.

In the Values tab, you can configure a Process so that it has an Object instance as input.

That is, you can say that this Process has access to an instance of a given type.


Let us illustrate with a simple example.

Declare input instance in Process

Suppose you have defined a patient object with just three fields (uid,name,age):

Now let’s look at creating a Process, and the first thing we will do in the Process is go to the Values tab and say that this Process has a patient as input

Access value of instance

What can you do in the Process with the input?

You can access the values in the patient record which has been passed in in both actions and interactions of the Process by using the Logiak convention for variables:

Presenting a value from the input instance to the user

Defining condition on input field value

Defining variable with input field value

8.5 - Actions


Process Actions

Process actions are steps which can be included in a Process.

Like all steps, they are executed unless they are nullified by some precondition being false.

8.5.1 - Update Variable Action

Update variable action


Variables are values which can be updated.

They are created within the Values tab, and can be used and updated within Process steps.

1. Updating a Number Variable

To update a Number Variable, you

  • choose the Variable you want to update
  • then you provide an expression which will give the new value

Body mass index (BMI) example

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
  • Overweight = 25–29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Body Mass Index formula

In the video below,

  1. we have set up two number input questions to ask the user for weight in kg and height in m.

  2. We introduce a number variable bmi.

  3. We add an Update variable action with the BMI formula. When this executes, the value of the bmi Variable is updated.

  4. We add a text display where we include the bmi variable to inform the user of the value of bmi which has been computed on the basis of the input values.

  5. Then we debug to test it out.

Using an expression to calculate Body Mass Index (bmi)

Calculating a number of periods (months, weeks, etc.) since/until …

Another way of calculating a new value for a number Variables you might want to use is by determining a number of periods- how many months/weeks since/until from one date to another date.

Imagine you are creating an App to advice pregnant women.

As an approximation to gestation date, you may take the date of last-known menstrual period (LMP).

Then, to give good advice, your App may need first to figure out how many weeks along any particular woman is.

This is how we can compute this in Logiak:

Using an expression to calculate weeks since a certain date

2. Updating a Date Variable

We can use the example of pregnancy here too to illustrate one way we might want to calculate a new date value.

If we know a woman’s LMP (Last known menstrual period), we can also know the EDD (expected delivery date) by figuring out what the date is 40 weeks after the LMP date.

Here we create a variable edd to represent Expected Delivery Date, and calculate a value for that by explicitly saying we want the date which is 40 weeks after LMP (Last known menstrual period)

Logiak builds an expression for us.

Using an expression to calculate EDD

3. Updating a Symbol Set Variable

The following video shows creating and updating of a set Variable.

Please checkout Reasoning with Sets for explanation

Calculating a new set and updating set variable

8.5.2 - Fetch Object Instance

Fetch Instance from the database

Fetch Instance

This action fetches an object instance from the database which becomes the value of this action.

The fetch instance action needs to know which instance you want.

We describe this by

  • thinking of which instances we might want to consider (= defining filter conditions)
  • then thinking how we might sort that collection of instances so that the one we want is first.

In fact, there are three steps to configuring the fetch, and they appear in this order:

  1. You specify how to sort the objects 2.Then you say which you want to pick from the sorted list (normally the first, but you might want second, third etc)
  2. You can also add field conditions to narrow down the selection to a specific collection


Suppose we needed to

Fetch the invoice with the largest amount from the past 12 months

you would configure it like this:

  1. sort by the amount field
  2. pick the first instance from the sorted list
  3. and add a field condition on invoice date so that list you are picking the instance from contains only invoices from past 12 months

Fetch Specific Instance

If you know the primary key of the instance you want to fetch from the database, you configure like this:

  1. choose to sort by any field
  2. pick the first instance from the sorted list
  3. set a field condition on the unique field, specifying that the value of that field must include

8.5.3 - Fetch Aggregate Number

Calculating an aggregate number from the database

Fetch aggregate number

This action allows you to query the database to find out things like:

  • What’s the largest invoice amount we've had so far?
  • What’s the average score students have gained on this test?

You can also add conditions and narrow the query

  • What’s the average score female students have gained on this test?

The numerical result will be stored as the value of this action

8.5.4 - Stop


Stop Action

This is a simple action which, when executed, stops the execution of the Process.

No subsequent Steps are executed.

8.5.5 - Jump

Dreaded goto

This is the dreaded GoTo

8.5.6 - Expressions and the Expression Wizard



To update a number variable with a new value, you can provide a new value directly, or you can define an expression from which the new value can be calculated.

The expressions you can define are the normal arithmetic expressions such as

(3 * 4)

Simple expressions, but no operations, blocks of code, control flow statements.

It supports a syntax that is common to most programming languages, including systems such as Excel.

Of course, what makes this useful is that you can calculate a new value for a variable with an expression which includes other values from the Process.

The way you do this is by building the expression as normal, but quoting other values which you want to include.

So if you have a variable called amount and you want an expression to calculae 16% tax, you could use the expression:

({amount} * 16/100)

Expression Wizard

As you are editing an update expression, you may well have forgotten exactly what name you gave to a particular value in the Process.

Instead of having to quit the editor to find out, you can make use of the Expression Wizard.

Ths formulates expressions for you, and then offers you the ability to copy and paste them in.

So you don’t need to remember:

Anything really - because this is a 100% no code system, and to remember lots of arbitrary things is not fun.

Math Functions

To build expressions use the familiar operators for multiplication,division, addition and subtraction:

You can also make use of some mathematical functions.

We will list them below, but please note they are also available for reference via the Expression Wizard

available functions


To calculate the value of amount to the power of 10, we could have the following expression:


Expression to round the value of amount to the nearest integer


Constants available

Constant ´ Notes
e Base of the natural logarithms 2.718281828459045
ln2 Natural logarithm of 2 0.6931471805599453
ln10 Natural logarithm of 10 2.302585092994046
log2e Base-2 logarithm of e 1.4426950408889634
log10e Base-10 logarithm of e 0.4342944819032518
pi The PI constant 3.1415926535897932
sqrt1_2 Square root of 1/2 0.7071067811865476
sqrt2 Square root of 2

Division by zero and NaN (Not a number)

When you are calculating numbers based on other numbers, sometimes you get unfortunate situations.

One of them is when you are wanting to divide x by y, but the y has the value zero. Division by zero_ is impossible and yields infinity, which is most likely not what you intended

To avoid a crash, for cases of division by zero, we arbitarily / pragmatically assign the result to be 0.

Similarly, if there is a division by zero with a multiplication (e.g. (0/0)*100)), the result is NaN which is Not A Number.

In such a case, we also arbitarily assign the result to be 0.

8.6 - Sections


8.6.1 - Grouping Sections

Grouping steps is important for structuring large processes

Grouping steps into Sections

Grouping is not a UI concept, but an pretty essential tool for structuring Process steps as the Process grows large.


You can attach a Precondition to a Grouping section and all of the steps it contains, and all of the steps they contain (i.e. all of the section’s descendents) will NOT be used, unless the condition evaluates to true.

8.6.2 - Screens

A screen is where you can arrange more than one interaction


By default, every interaction you include in a Process will be shown to the user by itself, one after the other.

But you may well want to show some interactions together on the same screen.

For this, you can group them in a Screen.

Screens contain interactions only

Unlike a Grouping Section, a Screen cannot contain other screens, nor can it contain any Actions.

A Screen can contain only interactions.

Screens can have custom layouts

The way you arrange interactions together may be different for devices with narrow screens, as those with large screens.

You can define custom layouts for a Screen, and thus make it adaptive to display width.

8.7 - Updates

Updates are also Actions

Process Update Actions

Process update actions are steps which can be included in a Process.

Like all steps, they are executed unless they are nullified by some precondition being false.

8.7.1 - Grouping Sections

Grouping Updates

Grouping sections within Updates

Grouping sections in the Updates tab function the same as Grouping sections in the Process tab

8.7.2 - Instance

A short lead description about this content page. It can be bold or italic and can be split over multiple paragraphs.

This is a placeholder page. Replace it with your own content.

Text can be bold, italic, or strikethrough. Links should be blue with no underlines (unless hovered over).

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. Vape migas chillwave sriracha poutine try-hard distillery. Tattooed shabby chic small batch, pabst art party heirloom letterpress air plant pop-up. Sustainable chia skateboard art party banjo cardigan normcore affogato vexillologist quinoa meggings man bun master cleanse shoreditch readymade. Yuccie prism four dollar toast tbh cardigan iPhone, tumblr listicle live-edge VHS. Pug lyft normcore hot chicken biodiesel, actually keffiyeh thundercats photo booth pour-over twee fam food truck microdosing banh mi. Vice activated charcoal raclette unicorn live-edge post-ironic. Heirloom vexillologist coloring book, beard deep v letterpress echo park humblebrag tilde.

90’s four loko seitan photo booth gochujang freegan tumeric listicle fam ugh humblebrag. Bespoke leggings gastropub, biodiesel brunch pug fashion axe meh swag art party neutra deep v chia. Enamel pin fanny pack knausgaard tofu, artisan cronut hammock meditation occupy master cleanse chartreuse lumbersexual. Kombucha kogi viral truffaut synth distillery single-origin coffee ugh slow-carb marfa selfies. Pitchfork schlitz semiotics fanny pack, ugh artisan vegan vaporware hexagon. Polaroid fixie post-ironic venmo wolf ramps kale chips.

There should be no margin above this first sentence.

Blockquotes should be a lighter gray with a border along the left side in the secondary color.

There should be no margin below this final sentence.

First Header 2

This is a normal paragraph following a header. Knausgaard kale chips snackwave microdosing cronut copper mug swag synth bitters letterpress glossier craft beer. Mumblecore bushwick authentic gochujang vegan chambray meditation jean shorts irony. Viral farm-to-table kale chips, pork belly palo santo distillery activated charcoal aesthetic jianbing air plant woke lomo VHS organic. Tattooed locavore succulents heirloom, small batch sriracha echo park DIY af. Shaman you probably haven’t heard of them copper mug, crucifix green juice vape single-origin coffee brunch actually. Mustache etsy vexillologist raclette authentic fam. Tousled beard humblebrag asymmetrical. I love turkey, I love my job, I love my friends, I love Chardonnay!

Deae legum paulatimque terra, non vos mutata tacet: dic. Vocant docuique me plumas fila quin afuerunt copia haec o neque.

On big screens, paragraphs and headings should not take up the full container width, but we want tables, code blocks and similar to take the full width.

Scenester tumeric pickled, authentic crucifix post-ironic fam freegan VHS pork belly 8-bit yuccie PBR&B. I love this life we live in.

Second Header 2

This is a blockquote following a header. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Header 3

This is a code block following a header.

Next level leggings before they sold out, PBR&B church-key shaman echo park. Kale chips occupy godard whatever pop-up freegan pork belly selfies. Gastropub Belinda subway tile woke post-ironic seitan. Shabby chic man bun semiotics vape, chia messenger bag plaid cardigan.

Header 4

  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
Header 5
  1. This is an ordered list following a header.
  2. This is an ordered list following a header.
  3. This is an ordered list following a header.
Header 6
What Follows
A table A header
A table A header
A table A header

There’s a horizontal rule above and below this.

Here is an unordered list:

  • Liverpool F.C.
  • Chelsea F.C.
  • Manchester United F.C.

And an ordered list:

  1. Michael Brecker
  2. Seamus Blake
  3. Branford Marsalis

And an unordered task list:

  • Create a Hugo theme
  • Add task lists to it
  • Take a vacation

And a “mixed” task list:

  • Pack bags
  • ?
  • Travel!

And a nested list:

  • Jackson 5
    • Michael
    • Tito
    • Jackie
    • Marlon
    • Jermaine
  • TMNT
    • Leonardo
    • Michelangelo
    • Donatello
    • Raphael

Definition lists can be used with Markdown syntax. Definition headers are bold.


Tables should have bold headings and alternating shaded rows.

Artist Album Year
Michael Jackson Thriller 1982
Prince Purple Rain 1984
Beastie Boys License to Ill 1986

If a table is too wide, it should scroll horizontally.

Artist Album Year Label Awards Songs
Michael Jackson Thriller 1982 Epic Records Grammy Award for Album of the Year, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Selling Album, Grammy Award for Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, Baby Be Mine, The Girl Is Mine, Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Human Nature, P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing), The Lady in My Life
Prince Purple Rain 1984 Warner Brothers Records Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Soundtrack/Cast Recording, Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal Let’s Go Crazy, Take Me With U, The Beautiful Ones, Computer Blue, Darling Nikki, When Doves Cry, I Would Die 4 U, Baby I’m a Star, Purple Rain
Beastie Boys License to Ill 1986 Mercury Records noawardsbutthistablecelliswide Rhymin & Stealin, The New Style, She’s Crafty, Posse in Effect, Slow Ride, Girls, (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right, No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Paul Revere, Hold It Now, Hit It, Brass Monkey, Slow and Low, Time to Get Ill

Code snippets like var foo = "bar"; can be shown inline.

Also, this should vertically align with this and this.

Code can also be shown in a block element.

foo := "bar";
bar := "foo";

Code can also use syntax highlighting.

func main() {
  input := `var foo = "bar";`

  lexer := lexers.Get("javascript")
  iterator, _ := lexer.Tokenise(nil, input)
  style := styles.Get("github")
  formatter := html.New(html.WithLineNumbers())

  var buff bytes.Buffer
  formatter.Format(&buff, style, iterator)

Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.

Inline code inside table cells should still be distinguishable.

Language Code
Javascript var foo = "bar";
Ruby foo = "bar"{

Small images should be shown at their actual size.

Large images should always scale down and fit in the content container.

The photo above of the Spruce Picea abies shoot with foliage buds: Bjørn Erik Pedersen, CC-BY-SA.



Another Heading - Create Instance Action

When a new record is written to the database

Creating a record

This is one of the most important aspects of of Logiak.

This is where your App creates a new record, a new Object instance, in the database.

It gets recorded on the device, and also pushed to the backend.

Object type

Of course, every record has to be of a specific type. So you need to choose one of the Data objects you’ve defined.


The core of creating a new record is to assign values to its field.

The values are values in the Process.

We refer to this assignment of values-to-fields as a mapping.

Type mapping

There are some limits to the mapping to do with data types.

For all number fields in the object, you will need to map a number value from the Process.

You can though map numbers to text fields (we can convert the numbers to text).

Maybe most surprising is that you can map symbols to symbol sets (we can create a set with just that one symnbol).

Conditions can serve as true/false values

Yes, you can map not only true/false values from the Process to true/false fields of the object, but also any condition.

All conditions are statements which evaluate to true or false, so those evaluations can be used as values to be put into true/false object fields. - Update Instance Action

Update instance

Updating an instance is quite similar to creating an instance, with the obvious exception that when you are updating an instance, you have to specify which one you are updating.

But the mapping dialogue is the same: the main task is to decide which fields you want to update, and which values from the Process you want to map to them. - Delete Instance Action

Delete an instance from the database

As when you are Updating an instance, you of course have to specify which instance you want to delete.

8.7.3 - Database

A short lead description about this content page. It can be bold or italic and can be split over multiple paragraphs.

This is a placeholder page. Replace it with your own content.

Text can be bold, italic, or strikethrough. Links should be blue with no underlines (unless hovered over).

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. Vape migas chillwave sriracha poutine try-hard distillery. Tattooed shabby chic small batch, pabst art party heirloom letterpress air plant pop-up. Sustainable chia skateboard art party banjo cardigan normcore affogato vexillologist quinoa meggings man bun master cleanse shoreditch readymade. Yuccie prism four dollar toast tbh cardigan iPhone, tumblr listicle live-edge VHS. Pug lyft normcore hot chicken biodiesel, actually keffiyeh thundercats photo booth pour-over twee fam food truck microdosing banh mi. Vice activated charcoal raclette unicorn live-edge post-ironic. Heirloom vexillologist coloring book, beard deep v letterpress echo park humblebrag tilde.

90’s four loko seitan photo booth gochujang freegan tumeric listicle fam ugh humblebrag. Bespoke leggings gastropub, biodiesel brunch pug fashion axe meh swag art party neutra deep v chia. Enamel pin fanny pack knausgaard tofu, artisan cronut hammock meditation occupy master cleanse chartreuse lumbersexual. Kombucha kogi viral truffaut synth distillery single-origin coffee ugh slow-carb marfa selfies. Pitchfork schlitz semiotics fanny pack, ugh artisan vegan vaporware hexagon. Polaroid fixie post-ironic venmo wolf ramps kale chips.

There should be no margin above this first sentence.

Blockquotes should be a lighter gray with a border along the left side in the secondary color.

There should be no margin below this final sentence.

First Header 2

This is a normal paragraph following a header. Knausgaard kale chips snackwave microdosing cronut copper mug swag synth bitters letterpress glossier craft beer. Mumblecore bushwick authentic gochujang vegan chambray meditation jean shorts irony. Viral farm-to-table kale chips, pork belly palo santo distillery activated charcoal aesthetic jianbing air plant woke lomo VHS organic. Tattooed locavore succulents heirloom, small batch sriracha echo park DIY af. Shaman you probably haven’t heard of them copper mug, crucifix green juice vape single-origin coffee brunch actually. Mustache etsy vexillologist raclette authentic fam. Tousled beard humblebrag asymmetrical. I love turkey, I love my job, I love my friends, I love Chardonnay!

Deae legum paulatimque terra, non vos mutata tacet: dic. Vocant docuique me plumas fila quin afuerunt copia haec o neque.

On big screens, paragraphs and headings should not take up the full container width, but we want tables, code blocks and similar to take the full width.

Scenester tumeric pickled, authentic crucifix post-ironic fam freegan VHS pork belly 8-bit yuccie PBR&B. I love this life we live in.

Second Header 2

This is a blockquote following a header. Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet t-bone doner shank drumstick, pork belly porchetta chuck sausage brisket ham hock rump pig. Chuck kielbasa leberkas, pork bresaola ham hock filet mignon cow shoulder short ribs biltong.

Header 3

This is a code block following a header.

Next level leggings before they sold out, PBR&B church-key shaman echo park. Kale chips occupy godard whatever pop-up freegan pork belly selfies. Gastropub Belinda subway tile woke post-ironic seitan. Shabby chic man bun semiotics vape, chia messenger bag plaid cardigan.

Header 4

  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
Header 5
  1. This is an ordered list following a header.
  2. This is an ordered list following a header.
  3. This is an ordered list following a header.
Header 6
What Follows
A table A header
A table A header
A table A header

There’s a horizontal rule above and below this.

Here is an unordered list:

  • Liverpool F.C.
  • Chelsea F.C.
  • Manchester United F.C.

And an ordered list:

  1. Michael Brecker
  2. Seamus Blake
  3. Branford Marsalis

And an unordered task list:

  • Create a Hugo theme
  • Add task lists to it
  • Take a vacation

And a “mixed” task list:

  • Pack bags
  • ?
  • Travel!

And a nested list:

  • Jackson 5
    • Michael
    • Tito
    • Jackie
    • Marlon
    • Jermaine
  • TMNT
    • Leonardo
    • Michelangelo
    • Donatello
    • Raphael

Definition lists can be used with Markdown syntax. Definition headers are bold.


Tables should have bold headings and alternating shaded rows.

Artist Album Year
Michael Jackson Thriller 1982
Prince Purple Rain 1984
Beastie Boys License to Ill 1986

If a table is too wide, it should scroll horizontally.

Artist Album Year Label Awards Songs
Michael Jackson Thriller 1982 Epic Records Grammy Award for Album of the Year, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Selling Album, Grammy Award for Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, Baby Be Mine, The Girl Is Mine, Thriller, Beat It, Billie Jean, Human Nature, P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing), The Lady in My Life
Prince Purple Rain 1984 Warner Brothers Records Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media, American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album, American Music Award for Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Brit Award for Best Soundtrack/Cast Recording, Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal Let’s Go Crazy, Take Me With U, The Beautiful Ones, Computer Blue, Darling Nikki, When Doves Cry, I Would Die 4 U, Baby I’m a Star, Purple Rain
Beastie Boys License to Ill 1986 Mercury Records noawardsbutthistablecelliswide Rhymin & Stealin, The New Style, She’s Crafty, Posse in Effect, Slow Ride, Girls, (You Gotta) Fight for Your Right, No Sleep Till Brooklyn, Paul Revere, Hold It Now, Hit It, Brass Monkey, Slow and Low, Time to Get Ill

Code snippets like var foo = "bar"; can be shown inline.

Also, this should vertically align with this and this.

Code can also be shown in a block element.

foo := "bar";
bar := "foo";

Code can also use syntax highlighting.

func main() {
  input := `var foo = "bar";`

  lexer := lexers.Get("javascript")
  iterator, _ := lexer.Tokenise(nil, input)
  style := styles.Get("github")
  formatter := html.New(html.WithLineNumbers())

  var buff bytes.Buffer
  formatter.Format(&buff, style, iterator)

Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this.

Inline code inside table cells should still be distinguishable.

Language Code
Javascript var foo = "bar";
Ruby foo = "bar"{

Small images should be shown at their actual size.

Large images should always scale down and fit in the content container.

The photo above of the Spruce Picea abies shoot with foliage buds: Bjørn Erik Pedersen, CC-BY-SA.



Another Heading - Update Objects Action

General database update

Attention: power!

This action is very powerful.

You can achieve a lot with it, but equally, if you make a mistake with it, the consequences for your data could be very bad.

This is the because this action gives you extraordinary power to update the database.

It is not restricted to a single Object instance, but allows you to do a major update of all records of a given Object type.

Specify conditions to select which instances to update

Specify update mapping for all which satisfy conditions - Delete Objects Action

General database delete

Attention: awesome destructive power!

This action is very powerful, and is a DELETE action, so this should be used with great caution.

It permits you to specify conditions to select a subset of all instances of a given Object type, and then to delete all of those instances.

8.7.4 - Mailing Actions

Mails can be sent at the end of a Process - Send mail

Send an Email - Send mail (DB)

Send an Email to email address within an Object

8.8 - Debug


8.8.1 - Debug Overview

Debug Overview

Check your reasoning

The Debug tab of Process allows you at any time to interact with the Process while at the same time seeing information which makes clear why the Process is behaving as it is: it shows the logic and calculations defined within the Process in detail.

Left: Process, Right: Debug info

Within the debugger, the screen is partitioned into left and right.

On the left, you see the Process, pretty much as your users would see it.

You interact with the Process, while at the same time using tabs on the right to explore the details of what is happening as you interact.

Four debug tabs

The debugger has four tabs

Trace permits you step-by-step to view details of calculations and logical reasoning

Values lets you view the current values in the Process

Conditions shows all conditions defined, and indicates whether they are currently true or false

Shows a view of the Process you are executing

8.8.2 - Step by Step Trace

Trace shows a record of each step executed

The Trace tab of the debugger shows you each step as you complete them.

It shows the values you entered, and the results of actions, for example the new values for variables if you have an update variable action.

The Trace tab is activated by default when you start to debug a Process

Debugging a Process, tracing step by step

8.8.3 - Conditions

Viewing condition evaluations

The Conditions tab gives you an alphabetical list of all conditions defined in the Process along with their current evaluation - true or false.

8.8.4 - Values

Viewing the current values

The values tab gives you an alphabetical list of all values in the Process

This shows the current state, at each step, of these values.

It shows values you have entered, and also values of variables.

For true/false values, the check mark being green indicates true, grey false.

9 - Media

Images, Videos, Audio

9.1 - Media

Images, Videos, Audio

Media in Logiak

When we speak about Media in Logiak, we are talking about Images, Videos and Sounds.

There are two kinds of media - media which you record with Logiak Apps, and media which are included as part of the Logiak App configuration.

Here we are explaining the latter - how to use media within the configuration of an App.

Information regarding what is involved in recording media is found in Process documentation.

Using Media within Apps

Images, Videos and Audio can be used in all components, and in Process steps.

For almost all components images/videos can be set as backgrounds for head or body, as with the default Login component created with each App.

Gallery and Cards components are particularly concerned within Media.

Media can be used instead of links in Actions.

Media can be included within the Info component, via HTML or Markup, and can be done in exactly the same way for questions texts within Process interactions.

Media can be used also for various specialist reasons - such as a camera mask for the Photo interaction.

Viewing the Media resources contained in the Project

How to add an Image from search to the Project

Adding an image

How to add a Video from search to the Project

Adding an video

How to add your own Image to the Project

Adding your own images via media url

But what if you have media files which are not hosted anywhere?

Well, assuming you will be using either Supabase or Firebase as the backend, Storage is available with both of them.

How to use Supabase Storage for custom media

This video shows

  • how to create a storage “bucket” in a Supabase project
  • how to put a media file into the bucket (drag and drop)
  • how to obtain the URL of that media once within the bucket

Upload Media file to Supabase to a Bucket and copy its URL

9.2 - Media

Using images, videos, audio within Process interactions

How to use Media within a Process

There are three steps to this.

  1. Add the media you want to use to the Project
  2. Copy the media’s URL
  3. Use the URL within an interaction

2. Obtain URL of media

Once you have added media to the Project, you can click to edit the Media and you will see the URL and a copy button

3. Use URL or reference to Media within an interaction

To include media (images, video or audio) within an interaction, you can include them within HTML tags.

If you don’t know about these tags, don’t worry: as long as the Media is included in the Project, this task can be achieved by a simple copy and paste as shown in this video

Using the Expression Wizard within a Process Interaction to copy and paste code needed to include Media

10 - Symbols and Symbol Sets

Symbols and Symbol Sets

10.1 - Symbols



Symbols have the following three attributes:

  • a symbol (lowercase, no spaces or hyphens..)
  • an associated text (free text)
  • (internally) a unique identifier

Using symbols to ensure consistency in representation across Processes

The options in a Select question might involve concepts which have relevance not only in a single Process but across the whole Project.

You can ensure that you represent such concepts consistently across Projects by defining symbols at the Project level and choosing to use them within the Process as option values.

Using project level symbols to ensure consistency

Using Symbols to compute with

Symbols can be used as the value of options in a select question select question

When the user responds to a select question, the resulting value is a set of symbols.

Using Symbols for translating system terms

System Symbols

Project Symbols

10.2 - Reasoning with Sets

Set Reasoning

Reasoning with Sets in Processes


Let us create an example to show reasoning with sets.

Suppose you are creating a nutrition App, and you are interested in people’s diet.

Asking the user for their eaten_regularly set

Suppose you create a Process and ask the user the following multi-select question:

Let us give the value name eaten_regularly to this select question.

The values of select questions have the data type symbol set.

So the response value of this question will be the set of symbols associated with the options selected by the user.

Asking the user for their finds_expensive set

Suppose you ask a second question multi-select question with the same options (and importantly, the same associated symbols).

Let us give the value name finds_expensive to this select question.

And now compute

Maybe now you want to calculate: which foods are eaten even though considered expensive?

This will be the intersection of the two sets

  • eaten_regularly
  • finds_expensive

How do we do this?

Defining and updating a set variable

Calculating a new set and updating set variable

Reasoning with symbols sets defined at Project level

We can also define symbols and sets project-wide, and reason with them.

For example, we could define Project Symbols for each of the foods, and define Project Symbol Sets with various combinations.

Here is an example of a set called foods containing symbols for the foods above

Within a Process, we can choose to associate Project-level symbols with options:

So when we are doing set calculations, we can make use of sets defined at the Project-level:

10.3 - Symbol Sets


Symbol Set

Symbols sets are straightforward: they are set of symbols

Using sets in Dynamic Select questions

Using sets as Symbol field “Edit sets” Object Field

Reasoning with Sets in Processes

11 - Translate

Your project can be translated into any number of languages

12 - Version

A version is a snapshot of a Project

12.1 - How to create a new version

A version is a snapshot of a Project

Versioning is one way of maintaining control of a Project, and can be particularly important if you are working in a Team Space, building a Project with colleagues.

To take a Version is to take a snapshot of the whole project.

How to CREATE a new Version

Taking a new version

Three-part version numbers

Logiak supports the common major-minor-patch scheme for naming versions.

Breaking changes are indicated by increasing the major number (high risk); new, non-breaking features increment the minor number (medium risk); and all other non-breaking changes increment the patch number (lowest risk).

Versions can be viewed read-only

New Projects can be started from versions

13 - Deployment

Deploy project

Device init

13.1 - Create a new Deployment

Create Deployment

How to CREATE a new Deployment

A Deployment has two possible modes

13.2 - Development Mode

Development Mode (Rapid development)

Development Mode is a pre-production mode particularly relevant if you want to develop for mobile.

It permits you to deploy to device and exposes controls which allows you immediate updating without going through the normal development cycle of having to

How to switch a deployment to Development Mode

In Development Mode, instead of deploying a named version, you are deploying the current state of the project.

DevMode controls on the device

There are four functions available to you

  • Refresh
  • Add Component
  • Edit this Component
  • Zap this App

DevMode Refresh

A drop-down appears in the deployed App which permits you, among other things, to Refresh the device with the latest changes you have made.

A configuration change in the server is immediately seen on the device

DevMode Add Component

You can add new Components to the App, just as on the Server.

However, to link a newly added Component in, you don’t drag and drop, but rather you edit a Component which is already in the App, and add the new Component as the destination of a transition there, or as included in that Component (if the Component is a Container Component).

DevMode Edit this Component

Basically, with the Edit this Component option, you get access to the full functionality of the left pane of the Component Editor for that Component.

Edit your App on the device!

DevMode Zap this App

This is a function which clears the current App configuration entirely from the device, and presents you with the bare Logiak Runner App again, so that you can scan in a different QR Code - work on a different App.

13.3 - Access


This tab is where you go for the information you need to get to use the App(s) you have defined in the Project on actual devices.


Logiak Apps can be run on mobile devices running iOS and Android operating system.

For each of these systems, there is a Runner Apps available.

With a Runner App installed, you can download and run the Logiak App(s) you have configured.

More importantly for you as developer, you can give access to others to use your App(s)

TWO Access methods for Mobile

Your users can downlaod your App(s) in one of two ways

1. QR Code

For each App, you will see a QR Code in the Access Tab

This can be scanned with a Runner App and the Runner App will transform itself into your App!

The user starts the scanner by clicking on the big QR code scanner button:


Then the init starts, after completion of which, the Runner App becomes your App

A second method is via a Dynamic Link.

If you click on the copy icon and paste the dynamic link, for example, into an email, or in some other way make the link accessible to your users via their devices..

When a user access the link on a device, the device will do the following two things:

  • Download and install the Logiak Runner App from PlayStore or AppStore
  • Then download and run your App within the Runner App (no QR Code scan needed)

TWO Access methods for Web (URLs)

If the deployment uses Supabase as backend, you can also use the App(s) you have defined as webapps, and you can here define/get the URLs needed to call up those Apps.

1. subdomain

2. Custom domain

13.4 - Runner Apps

Runner Apps for Logiak

What we are referring to as Runner Apps are native Apps available in Apple’s AppStore and Google’s PlayStore.

They are basically the supporting underlay which allows you to download and run the Apps you configure with Logiak.

AppStore (iOS - iPhone and iPad
PlayStore (Android)

On both devices, when you run them, the Runner Apps look like this:

First screen

Second screen


The user gives permissions when the “Let’s Go” button is clicked.

These permissions are the same for all Logiak Apps. They are not sensitive to the use or not of any capability in any particular App.

First screen

At the foot of the first screen, the current version of Logiak is shown on the left, and the dimensions of the current device, in Logical Pixels, on the right

Second screen

The second screen gives you access to the QR Code scanner.

Scanning a QR Code is one of two ways your users can access your App.

The QR Code for any particular App is available from the Deployment’s’s Access tab. Hence, please note that a QR Code is really not for an App as such, it is for an App-in-a-Deployment (in fact, if you are using translations, it is: for an App-in-a-language-in-a-deployment)

13.5 - Using a Supabase Backend

Deploy project

13.5.1 - Set up of a Deployment using Supabase

Supabase Backend set-up is easy

Setting up a Supabase Project and getting it work with Logiak could hardly be easier.

The Logiak UI supports the set up Step by Step, which involves copying and pasting, and clicking buttons, according to clear instructions, and this is illustrated from beginning to end by the video you will find below.

Supabase Account

The only thing the video doesn’t show, which is of course a Precondition of doing an integration, is to get a Supabase Account. For that, it seems currently, you may need a GitHub account.

Supabase Set Up Illustrated

Here is a video showing the Logiak-Supabase integration from start to finish

13.5.2 - Correspondance of Data Structures between Logiak and Supabase

Logiak Objects and Supabase Tables must align

The decoupling of Logiak and the Supabase backend gives you a lot of freedom and 100% control.

However, a successful integration means that a Logiak Project and a Supabase Project must be aligned when it comes to the definition of data structures

Basically, to deploy a version of a Logiak Project successfully,

the Supabase Project must have a table corresponding to each Object (excepting State Objects) defined in the Logiak Project.

Happily, we think we have made this very simple for you -

Objects/Tables tab AUTOMATES the check

In a Supabase Deployment, there is a tab called Objects/Tables which gives you good support in ensuring this alignment.

Before deploying a version, visit this tab, select the Project version to be deployed, and Logiak will do the following:

  • Query Supabase : find out what tables exist, and what columns they have
  • Compare the tables with Objects in the Project Version selected
  • Show the results of this comparison
  • And offers you buttons which will allow mismatches to be corrected in Supabase automatically.


Here is a video showing an example where Supabase contained no Project tables, and the administrator checks version 2 of the Project.

Logiak reports that four tables are missing.

Once a button is clicked, the missing tables are defined in Supabase, with columns corresponding to fields in the Logiak Objects.

Objects / Tables automatic alignment

Mapping: Unique field -> Primary Key

Unique key in Logiak object

Becomes primary key in Supabase table)

Mapping: Relationship -> Foreign key

Relationship in Logiak object

Becomes foreign key in Supabase table

Type determined by primary key of customer table

Mapping: Date fields -> timestamp columns

Date fields in Logiak

Become timestamp columns in Supabase table)

Mapping: True/false fields -> bool columns

True/False fields in Logiak

Become boolean columns in Supabase table)

Mapping: Number and text fields -> numeric and text columns

Number and text fields in Logiak

Become numeric and text columns in Supabase table)

13.5.3 - How to deploy a new version

A version is a snapshot of a Project

Versioning is one way of maintaining control of a Project, and can be particularly important if you are working in a Team Space, building a Project with colleagues.

To take a Version is to take a snapshot of the whole project.

Choosing to deploy a new version is a separate step.

How to DEPLOY a new Version

Deploying a new version

13.5.4 - Supabase Replication

What is Replication?

From the Supabase docs: “Replication is a technique for copying the data from one database to another”

How Logiak uses Replication

Logiak has two main uses for Replication -

1. Remote deployment

Logiak supports the remote deployment of new versions of a Project.

To understand what is meant by this, consider:

  • you have your users, and they are using a Logiak App you made
  • you notice that your App needs some changes. you make the changes and take a new version.
  • you deploy the new version

What we mean by “Remote deployment” here is that when you deploy the new version, you would like all devices to get notified, and let the users upgrade. You don’t want to always have to phone everyone, or send an email to everyone. Should be automatic.

Thanks to replication, it is.

  • At setup, we create a logiak_version table.
  • When you deploy a new version, a new row is created in the logiak_version table
  • If Replication is enabled for the logiak_version table, then
    • Supabase will automatically send a notification of the change in logiak_version.
    • Devices will download the version
    • Devices will show an upgrade button

2. Data sharing between devices

The second use Logiak Projects make of Replication is in data sharing between devices.

If Replication is turned on for all tables, not just logiak_version, then any database change on any device will be quickly reflected on all connected devices.

This is important for collaborative systems.

Synch reconciliation

This data sharing is magic, but it is not flawless. A device can lack connectivity when Supabase sends notification of a change and there is not a queue where such notifications are stored for each device until they are back online.

In a database application, where it is important to keep reasonably in sync with the master copy of the data, this can be a big negative.

With Logiak , we have implemented a corrective mechanism at Login:

At Login, if an Object has an auto-fill modified field, if there is connectivity, Logiak will check at the master (Supabase ) for all rows of the corresponding table whose modified date is later than the latest in the database on the device, and retrieve those records.

13.5.5 - Supabase Storage

Storage Bucket

At the set up of a Supabase Deployment, we create a Storage Bucket.

The purpose of this is to hold any media which is created by use of your Project’s App(s).

Within Processes, you can be having users take photos, record videos, record audio.

These can be big files, which are not well stored in a normal database.

Instead, references to them are stored in the database, and the files themselves are uploaded to the Supabase Project’s Storage Bucket.

Free Tier Storage limits

500MB database & 1GB file storage

13.5.6 - Upload data to Supabase from a Google Sheet

Starting a Project with existing data

If you are starting a project which already has some associated data, you can incorporate that data into the Project in various ways.

Static data

If the data you have is static data - not primary data for the Project which you want to collect and change, but instead some reference / lookup data, then one option is to include it in your Project configuration via a Table Object.

Using Supabase SQL

Alternatively, if you now SQL, you could seed the data into Supabase by making use of the SQL Editor and running queries to insert data.

Using Logiak Upload

Another option is to make use of the Deployment’s Upload tab.

The following are required:

  1. The data must be in a Google Sheet, with the first row containing column headers/field names/column names
  2. The table structure must exist in Supabase
    • (you can do ensure this automatically from Logiak Object definitions)

Seeding the database

13.5.7 - Limits of the Supabase FREE Tier

The Supbase FREE plan has limits which you should be aware of.

Server Pausing

Probably the most significant limitation of the FREE tier is possible pausing of your server!

This may happen if your project is not queried at least once every 7 days, so if your project is in continual use, you should be ok, but the only way to guarantee this wont happen is by upgrading.

Mail limits

The default rate limit for auth emails provided by Supabase is 30 new users per hour.

You may want to consider using your own mail credentials.

Storage limits

Up to 500MB database & 1GB file storage

13.5.8 - How an end-user signs up to a Logiak App/Supabase Project

End-user accounts

End user accounts are those listed in the Supabase project

Without any special configuration, all end users in the Supabase project can login to Logiak Apps which are connected.

Two ways to CREATE end user accounts

There are two ways to create end user accounts

  • Manually invite
  • Let users sign-up

Invite end users

You can manually invite people to become end users by clicking the Invite button and entering an email address.

If you want to keep your project very secure, you could do this manual invite and configure the Login component in your App to not show a “sign-up” button.

Then the manual invite would be the only way someone could become an End User.

Permit people to Sign Up

By default, the Login component shows a Sign-up button.

Clicking Sign-up asks the user for an email and a password.

Then it does the following:

  • it creates an End User in the Supabase project, awaiting validation
  • sends the user an email to the address given with a link. Clicking on the link will validate the Supabase End User account.
  • Feedback message appears to confirm Sign Up

Then the user has successfully signed up, and will be able to login to the App.

Here is that process illustrated:

Example of End User signing up

For the above to work, the setup step which requires the copying and pasting of the Site URL must have been completed correctly.

If sign-up is not working, please go back to the Deployment’s Set Up tab and check this.

13.6 - Using a Firebase Backend

Set up

13.6.1 - Set up of a Deployment using Firebase

Firebase Backend set-up is easy

Setting up a Firebase Project and getting it work with Logiak could hardly be easier.

The Logiak Deployment UI supports the set up Step by Step, which involves copying and pasting, and clicking buttons, according to clear instructions.

13.6.2 - Firebase Storage


13.7 - Using a Device Only

Device Only deployments


This kind of Deployment is available on the FREE tier.

With this kind of Deployment, you can run any Apps you create on mobile devices.

No backend

It is limited in the sense that no backend is connected, so data created on the device is not backed up in the cloud, and would be lost if the device is lost or the data on the device is corrupted in some way.

Authentication is via Google

Without a backend, there is also no platform to provide authentication, so for Device-only deployments, Google authentication is used.

This way, you can make use of User Profiles, email autofill fields, etc,

14 - Adaptive

Make Apps adaptive to different device widths

14.1 - Overview of making Apps Adaptive

Make Apps adaptive to different device widths

If your users have a variety of devices of different widths, unless your App adapts to the different widths it may look clumsy, or at least be failing to expoit the screen resources available to it.

There are various ways you can make a Logiak App adapt to different display widths.

Custom Layouts

Available for

  • List Rows
  • Object Views
  • Custom Layouts Container

Width Controls on Components

  • Available for all components

Master-Detail views

Available for

  • Listing
  • Actions

14.2 - Logical Pixels

How we measure display widths

Logical Pixels

In describing screen widths, we use not a physical pixel measurement, but rather a virtual - logical - pixel measurement, derived from Flutter.

Find out device dimenions using Runner App

To find out the dimensions of any device in logical pixels, download and install the Logiak Runner App and you will see the dimensions at the bottom of the first screen

Runner App bottom row

Here, the current version of Logiak is shown on the left, and the dimensions of the current device, in Logical Pixels, on the right

15 - Use Cases

What Logiak is ideal for
  • diagnosis - medical, technical
  • data breach handling
  • vehicle handover checks
  • stock control
  • CHW team co-ordination
  • data collection for research
  • surveys
  • field team collaboration
  • despatcher systems
  • tutorial systems
  • sales rep quote system
  • marketplace - buyers, sellers, and admin

from reddit

The calculator has the following three types of sheets:

User input sheets (questionnaires, essentially)

Output sheets (which give results based on the input)

Several reference tables (which use Vlookups…etc. to create the output from the input, using conversion factors for different years…etc.)

And I would like to have a web app which is capable of the following:

Uses the same input/output/reference tables as the calculator

Allows users to sign in and create their own account

Can take either one off/monthly payments for users/businesses to create and have access to their own account

Make the input look user friendly and interactive (rather than just a series of spreadsheet tables users fill in).

Have the reference tables hidden.

Have the output available to users in the form of dashboards, PDF reports and CSV raw data to use for their own projects.

Gives a library of resources/instructions/recommendations I’ve created on different aspects contained within the calculator.

Exist on its own domain (e.g

Does some sort excel to web app conversion tool already exist? Or would it be better for me to hire a freelance html/java coder from somewhere like Fiverr and host it myself?

16 - No-code Logic for patient triage

The screen here contains something which is at one and the same time both a definition you can read and software you can use in computing things.

This is what Logiak Processes are all about.

Declarative / Imperative. It’s a mood.

When people talk about “coding”, they are almost always talking about defining procedures to instruct the computer what to do, step by gruesomely detailed step - commands -imperatives.

However, machine-oriented procedures are not what we humans are good at and is one reason why software is so difficult.

Procedures easily get convoluted, and software maintenance becomes hell.

But in the question of programming languages, there has always been a tantalising alternative possibility: instead of imperatives, couldn’t we do things declaratively? Not by commands, but by statements, definitions.

This alternative, declarative programming, is more attractive because it isn’t really programming at all, it is just defining things. It’s mathematical and logical reasoning. It’s stating what is true. It’s a human thing, its what we do anyway, and we are good at it. It’s how we think, rather than how machines think. It’s directly intelligible and therefore perfectly maintainable.

Not all of our knowledge can be well expressed declaratively. Some of our knowledge is about procedures, albeit at the human level, such as how to bake a cake, and we want to be able to represent such procedures too.

The ideal: to have both, but they be clearly separated

If we were able to build systems where we entirely and completely separate the declarative from the procedural, we would have the best of both worlds. The primary step forward however would to be free to build in our declarative knowledge without having to twist it into procedures.

We could maximize the use of what we are best at - declarative knowledge - reducing development time, increasing maintainability, increasing correctness.

This is what logiak allows you to do.

Programming via definitions - an example

Let us show this via a reasonably simple example (though no example is simple enough).

D-tree International supported a research project in Malawi, implementing a mobile app embodying a triage algorithm.

The app was used by community health workers to identify severe illness among sick children in busy clinic waiting rooms, so they could be brought forward to the front of the queue, to reduce their risk of dying during the long wait.

The algorithm used is called ETAT -Emergency, Triage, Assessment and Treatment, published by the WHO.

Researchers published a 2020 article about the study in Malawi:

In this article, they draw out the algorithm in a flow chart. The algorithm is small and therefore useful for our illustration of the separation of the declarative from the procedural:

The aim of the algorithm is to classify each child as either E (Emergency), P (Priority) or Q (queue).

Implementing the ETAT algorithm as an interactive app

The algorithm as flow chart looks like a process, which indeed it is. It has arrows showing a flow of control.

But is also embodies knowledge, declarative knowledge, about what constitutes an emergency.

Here is what we mean by “it embodies declarative knowledge”:

The algorithm clearly says, for example, that if the child is in a coma, then the child is seriously ill. That is a true statement - declarative knowledge.

If we were to try to implement this algorithm in an App using traditional procedural programming, we would have no problem with the step-by-step aspects indicated by the arrows, but we would have to implement all the declarative knowledge via some necessarily ugly (because unnatural) procedural means.

Now let us see how logiak beautifully isolates the purely declarative from the procedural and thereby allows us to “encode” the declarative knowledge entirely naturally.

1. Define the Process

The first thing we need to do is to define a Process to create a step-by-step sequence of user interactions as described by the algorithm chart above.

Here is what it looks like to do this (abbreviated of course):

2. Define the Logic

In a separate tab we define the logic of this application.

Here we will be totally free of any procedural concerns whatsoever and will be dealing only with purely declarative knowledge.

Anyone can do this.

2.1 User responses are statements

Firstly, note that a question posed to the user, combined with a user’s response together describes a state of affairs: i.e. the response to a question is a specific statement.

Consider the yes/no question:

Does the child have cold hands?

When the user responds, one of the following two statements becomes true:

The child has cold hands

The child does NOT have cold hands

Similarly with the question about capillary refill & weak and fast pulse.

Because we are interested in whether the user has ticked both options, one of these becomes true:

The child has capillary refill longer than 3 secs and weak and fast pulse

It is NOT the case that the child has capillary refill longer than 3 secs and weak and fast pulse

question + response = statement

2.2 Selection Conditions

Such statements from the user (responses to questions) form the basis for our logical computations.

In logiak, we define conditions (we might also call them definitions), which are made true or false by user responses. We call them Select conditions. Some of the conditions are essentially statements like the above - for example, we define the condition under which “The child has cold hands” is true by just giving a name to the response pattern where the user has clicked yes.

Select conditions are effectively names for user response patterns

The names we give to the conditions could be symbolic names such as “X”, but it is nicer and more convenient to give them descriptive names which communicate the state of affairs they represent.

For example, we define the condition which is made true by the user responding affirmatively to the question “Does the child have cold hands?” and call that condition Child has cold hands.

Here is what this looks like:

How easy is that?

2.3 Meta-conditions

We can build on such Select conditions by defining meta conditions.

Meta conditions combine existing conditions together.

For example, we can define this:

child has cold hands and capillary refill/pulse issues is true IF

  child has cold hands

  child has capillary refill longer than 3 seconds and weak and fast pulse

This gives a name to a more complex circumstance - this time, one in which the user has provided affirmative responses to two questions (the cold hands question, and the refill/pulse question).

This is what that looks like:

And how easy is that?

We can use any meta condition in the definition of other meta conditions, without limit.

We hope you can see that we can remarkably easily build up conditions which represent very complex combinations of user responses to questions, each possessing simple descriptive names such as child has an emergency condition.

Moreover, though this particular ETAT application does not require it, logiak allows us also to define conditions based on values (value conditions): these can be values of variables defined in the process, or values from the database.

So the evaluation of a high-level meta condition can potentially involve a large amount of computation about the state of our knowledge, both user responses and information we have already recorded in the database.

The highest level meta conditions will generally represent circumstances which are the most important for us to be able to determine (= compute).

In the ETAT application, because of its aim, ultimately we want to define are conditions like this:

child has an emergency condition (E) IF ….

child has a priority condition (P) IF …

child should be given a Q IF …..

It important to note that logiak conditions are highly modular: Each condition can be considered on its own terms, independently of other conditions. What is important is that the descriptive name we have given to the condition accurately represents the logic of its definition. Hence, it really super maintainable.

It’s why non-programming medics can define logiak Processes with literally hundreds of conditions as shown here below, since each one can be validated on its own terms.

A Process from Delphicare HIV care and treatment system

As an aside: we can note that perhaps the only unusual definition in this example is caused by the question about symptoms of dehydration, which requires at least two symptoms to be present. This is what the definition of that looks like in logiak, using a THRESHOLD operator.

Defining a select condition as true if a threshold of options are selected

3. Conditions are used as preconditions in the Process

Having defined the logical relationships we are interested in, in complete isolation from any procedural concerns, almost as if we are not doing software development at all, we can now return to the Process and use the knowledge we’ve defined.

3.1 Preconditions

If you recall, the Process when we left it was a sequence of questions, one after the other.

We can attach conditions as preconditions to Process steps.

A step which has a precondition will be used only if its precondition evaluates to true.

In the case of ETAT, if we have defined a condition “child has emergency sign” (i.e child should get E), we might just to introduce an interactive step after all the questions which has this condition as its precondition and which just tells the user “classify this child as an E”.

We’ve done the logic, and have been able to validate it without any ugly procedural structures interfering with its clarity, so we can know for sure the Process will yield the correct answer.

3.2 Pragmatics

The final thing to say is that there will almost always be pragmatic considerations we have to take into account. Logical correctness is usually not the only goal.

In the case of ETAT, first presenting the user with all of the questions and then letting logiak compute the classification with our definitions would be quite wrong.

Time is of the essence, and if a question is answered from which we can conclude the child is an emergency, then no more questions should be asked.

For example, if the user indicates the child has obstructed breathing, in response to the first question, then we don’t need to ask any more questions.

We know the child has a danger sign, and therefore should be treated as an E.

So typically, not only do we use preconditions to determine what to tell the user (and what to record in the database), but we also use preconditions to avoid asking the user unnecessary questions.

This can be done in several ways, one of which is to structure the questions in nested sections and attach preconditions to the sections so that control moves to the end of the Process as soon as it can.

Here is a final video showing the first danger sign question, followed by a section containing other questions, followed by a message to the user. We attach preconditions - to the message and to the section, then use the step-by-step debugger to demonstrate that the preconditions really do affect the flow of control: our definitions really are active in the interactive App. We really have programmed declaratively.

Appendix: the ETAT algorithm in action in Malawi

17 - Sample Data

Sample Data

17.1 - City



The “Basic” world cities database contains 42,905 rows

Note: as far as we know this is REAL data

We imported it straightforwardly into a Google Sheet


This data can be downloaded for free from Simple Maps


  • city
  • city_ascii
  • lat
  • lng
  • country
  • iso2
  • iso3
  • admin_name
  • capital
  • population
  • id

17.2 - Customers



The “uk-500” database .

Note: this is FAKE data - no real people or companies.

We imported it straightforwardly into a Google Sheet


This data can be downloaded for free from Brian Dunning


  • id
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • company
  • address
  • city
  • county
  • postal
  • phone1
  • phone2
  • customer_email
  • web