Autofill Fields

Object fields which are automatically given values by Logiak

Auto-fill fields

Auto-fill fields are special object fields you can add to an Object

They are automatically given values by Logiak.

They are given values when an instance is created or updated.

UID example

When any Data Object is created, by default it is given a field called uid and this field is assigned to be the field with unique values (which database people call ‘primary key’).

Note auto-fill fields are represented in light blue to distinguish them from normal fields.

This UID is an example of an auto-fill field. When an instance of invoice is recorded by Logiak, it obtains values for all fields and relationship from configuration, but the uuid it just assigns a value itself (and it assigns a UUID).

There are several such fields available and they are all are given specific semantics by the Logiak system:

Fieldname -
UID each record is assigned a unique uuid at time of creation. Does not change.
CREATED each record is assigned time at creation. Does not change.
MODIFIED initially same as created, is changed whenever record is updated
USER_EMAIL email of the user who created the record (if anonymous user => this will be null)
USER_UID Backend system uid of user who created the record
LATITUDE if GPS on device in use, latitude of location when record was created. Is overwritten on upd
LONGITUDE if GPS on device in use, longitude of location when record was created. Is overwritten on u
APP_VERSION_CREATED the x.y.z of the apk version being used when record was created