Components can be added attached to Navigation UI

Components may contain other components as navigation elements

A Component can be in the Flow either as…

  1. The destination of a - transition.
  2. or as contained by another component which is within the Flow.
  3. or as a navigation element on any component within the Flow

Defining Navigation is a lot like defining the use of a Container component, but Navigation is available for almost all components.

It is very simple..

There are three Navigation UI possibilities to which you can attach one or more Components

  • Action Button
  • Navigation Drawer
  • Bottom Sheet

So the components are sort-of contained by the parent Component, but in a particular way, and instead of the CONTAINS representation in the Component Flow, navigation components are indicated with a signpost

Creating an Action Button

Action Button

Setting icon

The plus icon is ok when the Action Button has a Process behind it which adds something to a list, but often for navigation, it is not appropriate.

You can associate an icon with a Component and if you do, that icon will be used in Navigation elements instead of the default.

Setting an icon on the Action Button - associating an Icon with a Component

Creating a Speed Dial

When the action button carries more than one component, it transforms into a “Speed Dial” component

Creating a Navigation Drawer

Navigation drawers can contain multiple components

Creating a Bottom Sheet

Bottom Sheet contains one component

Navigation Element
ACTION BUTTON Speed Dial control is used if multiple components are specified