
Cards represent instances

Cards is like a mix between Gallery and Listing - visual displaying like a Gallery, but functioning like a Listing in the sense that every image represents a record which can be selected by the user.

Comparison with Listing

A Cards component presents a set of instances of a given Object type.

It has a SELECT transition, meaning the Cards are selectable, and the instance behind the card is remembered by Logiak - it creates a downstream area.

So you can set which component(s) should appear when a user clicks on an image.

As with a Listing you can set implicit filters and also user-controlled filters, to determine which instances - which Cards - are displayed

SELECT transition like List

Data filtering like List

Card Badge required

One difference between Cards and Listing:

  • you can configure a Listing for any Object (any Data or Table object),
  • but to use a Cards component, the Object types must have the Card badge

This is because the Cards component offers Card display modes, which requires certain kinds of information:

  • title
  • subtitle
  • caption
  • image

Example: English Counties

Let us look at an example.

Here is a small spreadsheet with some information about English Counties, including an image field.

Step 1: Set up a Table Object

We can create a Table Object in Logiak and attach the spreadsheet to it.

Note the image field has datatype “Media URL”

Step 2: Create Cards Component

Cards components require an Object, but the Object must have the Card badge

In this video, we :

  1. give the county Object the Card badge and
  2. create a cards component which shows the images.

Step 3: Choose different Card style

Step 4: Populate the downstream with some component(s) so that the Cards are clickable