About Main Components

As with chess pieces, not all components are equal

Just like pieces in a game of chess, not all components are made equal. Some have more capabilities than others.

The most powerful components are the ones shown here. We group them together as the Main components.

Used together with Container components, these components can satisfy a remarkably wide range on needs.

PROCESS is Queen

In Logiak, PROCESS is the most powerful component, because it brings Processes into the App

Process is a bit like a system in itself. A bit like a programming language.

A Process has sub-components in that it can contain different kinds of interactions and actions it contains.


LISTING can do a lot.

It shows you data from the database.

You can define sophisticated filtering.

But it can also “tee-up” (to mix metaphors) an Object instance to be selected by the user and passed to Processes and other components downstream


ACTIONS can actually be considered a container component - you put other components into it.

But it is super-powered for Workflow purposes.

It gives access to the components contained, as links (which can be image links), and allows you to specify when those links should be

  • visible or not
  • enabled or disabled
  • marked with a tick


OBJECT VIEW can be used to view data from an instance, but also to edit it